I'm trying to make a magazine-type site to use as extra-curric for med school. Check it!



Look at the doll I made!!! I finally figured out how to make them! Go me! ---------->

Hi!!! My name's Ali. Yea, really... Maybe that's why it's called Ali's funhouse?? Wouldn't it be weird if my name was Jay? Would it still be Ali's funhouse? Or would it be Jay's? And would it still be a funhouse??? *Sigh*

Moving along now... Let's get to know each other!! Wouldn't that be fun?! Just like a barrel of monkeys, except no plastic. And with people. And, no one gets in the barrel. But, shall we all have a moment of silence anyway, just to acknowledge that I'm sure there is a possibility that someday, somewhere, a giant barrel could be built and we could all link arms and climb into it? That would just be so much fun. We'd all go down in history as the human barrel of monkeys. Really. Think about it.

So, my name's Ali, I'm 17 (Turning 18 next month. For the sake of argument, let's pretend I'm 18.), I hate describing my own personality, but every person I've ever known has called my some synonym of "completely insane", my favourite past time is saying random things that have little to do with anything at all, I had a favourite animal, but I killed him, my favourite number doesn't exist anymore, my favourite book is "Catcher in the Rye", my favourite movie is Die Hard (possibly with... A Vengeance, if you will?!?), and I like long walks on the beach. Call me.

Yes!! The counter has finally come.. *moment of silence to honour the counter*

FastCounter by bCentral

Know what's absolutely fantastic?? I can start the counter at whatever number I want. Having just made this page yesterday, the counter says 486 people have visited my page. Why? I set that as the starting number! Yes!! *evil laugh*


Lisa's jokes page
Kiwibox (I know.. I'm addicted..)
Yahoo games (How much fun is it to mess with people on this site?!?)
I'm hungry. *Leaves*

Know what sucks? I had to put all these links for my guestbook site and the counter site on my page in order to get them. *Sigh* So, I put it on a different page!! *evil laugh* Yes! A loop hole!! Yes! So, below is the link for the page where u can find the links for the guestbook and the counter. I call it my sell out page. Yes. Yes I do.

My sell-out page *Sigh* Oh, the life of a fake clown..

I turned 18 a couple days ago! Isn't that exciting?? I'm legal now.. *grins proudly*
18 years
5 boyfriends
13 years of school
587 000 mentions of self-proclaimed insanity
1 acceptance into university
Bragging rights over my parents: priceless

In honour of my birthday.. Here's a picture of Jared Padalecki. Know why?? Cuz it's my birthday, and he's cute. So there.

So, just cuz I'm bored.. Here's an interview with me.

How does your education and experience qualify you for the position of Children's Librarian?

Where the hell did that come from, bizarro?? *sigh* Well... Children's educators can be condescending. Given the proper amount of time, I'm sure I could figure out how to do that.. And stickers. Stickers are key. I could steal enough stickers for every single troll in the place. *cough* Sorry. Child. Pleasant little child. Did I say troll?

What is a permit/license?

That lets my dad hunt things. Thank you NRA, man. It's something he has. I don't. Unless you're talkin about cars. Are you talking about cars? *pause* Oooh... Okay.. Simple mistake. That's something that lets my dad drive. It's something he has. I don't. Next question.

Assume that you've been hired as a Warehouse Worker and you're in charge of the toolroom.  All tools must be checked out.  If one of the work crew members demands a tool and says that checking tools out isn't required, how will you handle the situation?

What idiot hired that guy?? I mean, really. The lame-ass lies, takes other people's things without asking.. In 38 states, that's considered stealing. Then again, I don't live in the U.S., so that's the end of that.. I'd tell him that yes, in fact, it is required and that there's going to be an elaborate death invoving the worker in question and the tool he's demanding if he doesn't check the frikkin tool out.

It's also mighty seductive.

What's seductive? Lying? Stealing? Elaborate death? Maybe whatever it is you're referring to is seductive.. But maybe, just *maybe*, you need therapy.

Why did you choose this username?

Oh, yes. I get that a lot. Buglet was my nickname as a kid. Now it's been taken away and given to a different relative, but we don't need to discuss that.. And, 86 was my favourite number for a while. People tend to think I'm lying about my age.. As if I were born in 1986 instead of 1984. Or I've had people think that I'm 86 years old. I'm mature for my age. Not that mature.

As most musicians out there know, music is an intricate part of our existence. What has music brought to yours?

Well, bands like Linkin Park and Papa Roach serve to frighten my parents that I'm depressed or something.. I could do that, but they're better at it. ICP is better than any band out there at making my parents think I've gone off the deep end. I like playing stuff like that once in a while. That way, in the rare instant that I do act normal, it makes it that much more special. It's more of a bonding moment than it would've been. We're close now.

*update* I reformatted my journal.. It was really pissing me off with the colours all fading and the pictures and stuff. *shrug*

Wanna mark your territory?? Sign the wall!!

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