Grunts and Grudges...

Cashiers who look miserable while serving you. If you hate the job so much then just quit! It's not worth it!

Dog owners who chain their dog outside all day. What's the point? Why even bother having a pet when you don't want to enjoy the animal's company?

People who talk during a movie at the cinema. Shut up or stay home!

People who ask me a question, don't bother waiting for me to answer it and answer it for me! Hey, I'm quite capable of speaking for myself and don't presume to know what I am going to say.

People who have 5-6 children and then employ a full time Nanny! Why have kids at all! It's only a walk down to your closest grocery store to get protection if you don't want kids.

Ignorant people who smoke in the nonsmokers section.

People who stand in my "bubble" at the checkout! Hey, wanna back away so I can do my transaction in private!?

Strangers who IM with the message "A/S/L?"-Fufufu to you. Get a life.

Being called a "poser"...What am I posing as I ask you. O.o;; In my mind I am not trying to even be anything but ToRi. So when I get called "poser" it annoyes me because I do not think of myself as "goth", "punk" and what have you, I am just wearing the clothes/listening to the music/watching the movies/saying the things that I like.

Sales Assistants who literally jump you as soon as you walk through the door. Come on now, if I need any help I'll ask. Plus, I really don't want anyone telling me what to buy, and I prefer to browse without someone hovering over me thanks.

My lack of impulse control. ::sigh:: I am in so much debt it's just silly now.

Mouthy people over the Internet. Stop hiding behind a computer screen, knock on my door and say your shit to my face mozerfooka!

People who park in the "Handicap/Mother & Child" parking spaces at the supermarket. What's with that? Are you just too fat or just too damn lazy to walk a little extra?

People who piss all over the toilet seat! I don't care if you leave it up, but for God sakes don't leave it down, piss on it, and leave it there for me to clean up! (I say "people" because women do it too. Either that or men are sneaking in to women's public bathrooms.)

Being spammed with emails, Popups, and any other Ads online. Do I look like I'm interested in adding three inches to my penis to you? Get a real job.

Bitchy wives/girlfriends of famous people I admire. Hey woman, you need to stop giving me a hard time. I am NOT after your man! You don't know me, and if you did you'd know I'm not some silly groupie only interested in picking the zipper to your man's pants, instead of his brain. Seesh!

Other drivers...enough said.

Domestic abuse. Learn to walk away.

Finding a killer pair of shoes, and then they don't carry half sizes and I have to go the next size up and it's too big.

Haters. If you desire to waste your life by hating other people for what they've got, instead of merely working and trying to make your life better and content yourself, that's up to you, but leave me out of it.

People who don't knock. Haha you'll be scarred for life. <3

Being hovered over while I'm on the phone/computer.

When someone gets jealous and asks you to pick between them and the other said person. If you loved me you wouldn't ask me that. Plus, I'll always pick the other person.

Getting a food order messed up and having to go back and complain. I told you my order as clear as possible and yet you still somehow managed to fuck it up! I hate when that happens, I hate it.

Finding an incredible link and then it turns out being dead as Elvis!!

Woman who proudly admit to being a bitch. Why is being an enjoyable person something to be proud of?

Having ANYTHING said about me and food: I hate it when people tell me I eat too much/too little, I'm picky, I eat too fast or slow. Just please, mind your own meal. I'm insecure of what people think of me when I eat.

Clowns! Those stupid fucking big red nosed bastards! Curse them to hell, they are Satan's Army!!! I don't want some fucking freak honking a horn in my face, when he can clearly see I detest his being alive...Bastards...

