James-Chan Rules Your Soul!!


Name: James M.

Nickname(s): Taco. James-Chan.

Gender: Male.

Dating Status: Alone! ;_;

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Age/Date of Birth: 14, April 19 1990.

Star Sign: Aries.

Birthstone: Diamond.

Birth Flower: Sweet Pea.

Hometown: Babylon, NY.

Height: Pretty tall ^_^

Weight: 117? Yeah I am light for a guy whose 14...

Eye Color: Brown.

Present Hair Color: Blond/Red.

Piercings: Two (Left Ear)

Righty Or Lefty: Lefty.


Color: Red, green.

Food: Dominos pizza, barbequed meats.

Soda: ?????

Movie: Donnie Darko, Office Space.

Movie Soundtrack: ?????

TV Show: Viva La Bam.

Anime/Cartoon: Beavus and Butthead.

Cereal: Golden Grahams, cinnamon toast crunch.

Candy: Sour patch kids, swedish wish, anything gummy I guess.

Holiday: My birthday.

Resturant: Macaroni Grill ( I loves me Italian food)

Word: ????

Superhero: The Flash (I am fast lke him ^_^)

Local Bands: ?????

Bands: ?????

Books/Comics/Manga: Harry Potter Series, The Redwall Series.

Sport: Track, cross country.

Car: Any van with lotsa room for a large sound system.

Lyrics: Clark Gable, Nothing Better, Handbook For The Sellout, Skatanic.


Loves: Almost everyone, incuding his friend Tori <3

Doesn't Love: Bugs, people who find me "creepy"

Hobbies: Bass guitar, music, friends, video games.

Pets: 3; 2 cats and a dog.

Lucky Number: 8.

Celebrity I Wouldn't Mind Stalking Me: Hmmm... Adam Sandler! Cause everyone likes him and I could be all, yeah he stalks me.

If You Could Go Anywhere For A Week: ?????

If You Could Be Any Animal What Would You Be: ??????

Things I'll Always Say: lol, I see, Oh.

Things I'll Never Say: Dats whack!

My Journal: Apocalypse Please!

Random Fact: I own a comb with 256 teeth... is that random?


Email: Meatwad2k3@aol.com