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Artsy Fartsy

Tattoo Designs

Elegant Koi - Outline
Elegant Rainbow Koi
The Clownfish Tattoo I'm Gonna Get

My Cartoons and Random Doodlings

Mural Design for Crabtree Hall. It Won!
Kyle and I(and a squirrel). Doesn't look much like Kyle, but I can't draw boys well.
Katie is Purity. From a Comic Sam Created Called
This is Me as Subtlety From
Charicature of weiner Dan and his real self to compare it to :)
I think I was sketching Jenny cat and George. Not sure.
Animorphs anyone? I had an urge to draw a catgirl. Cute :-D
Very old picture from a very old cartoon I came up with. I still like the idea, it's cute. Rita and Leon
Character design of Rita.