Puffy's Reviews: Anime: Ai no Kusabi Gai (Guy) lurking in the background, Iason and Rikki Iason and Rikki Katzue Raoul
Ai no Kusabi
Date of last revision: 02/27/04

Alternate Title: Wedge of Interval (Not "Wedge of Love") | The Space Between
Genre: Yaoi | Action | Science Fiction | Drama | Punk-ish
Companies: AIC | JUNE | Magajin Magajin
American Liscensing Company: N/A
Format: 2 OVA episodes
Dates: August 1992 and May 1994
Original Creator: Rieko Yoshiwara
Age Rating: Not suitable for children or young audiences; a definite 18 and up

Synopsis: On planet Amoi, a great society has developed, creating a computerized city called Tanagura, ruled by supercomputer Jupiter. The populance is almost entirely male and is based on hair color; silver and/or blonds are the elitist, ending with dark/black haired as the bottom of society, often known as "mongrels". Blondies keep "pets", young boys kept for a few years, especially made for performing sexual actions for the Blondie's vouyerism entertainment. Blondies aren't suppose to keep pets for long or interact sexually with pets, but one blondie named Iason Mink has kept a pet named Rikki (a mongrel), for years (he's 20, old for a pet) and is rumored to sleep with him. Iason refuses to let go of Rikki, even with Jupiter's disapproval. Rikki fights with his emotions and society problems, unable to decide what to do about his old friend/lover Gai (Guy) and their gang. Iason is obssessed with keeping Rikki, and Rikki doesn't know what to do; fight against him or surrender to him.

SCORE: 79%

At the date that I write this review, I would have to say this is the most explicit yaoi anime I've ever seen. Oooooo.... And probably the only one I'm going to get my hands on for some time. :P

Plot: One thing is for sure; you have to be a yaoi fan to like this OVA. If you don't like to see guys making out...this is a no go for you.

There's two ways to look at this OVA. If you view it as a stand alone feature, it's really hard to follow and/or appreciate at times. However, if you keep in mind that it's based off a novel and understand that is why it can be hard to follow, you're good to go!

There is no denying it; this is an advertisement for the written work it's based off. If you don't have basic knowledge first hand, it's hard to follow, but I think if you're half-intelligent, you can figure it out. Luckily, one of the only sources for this OVA, the online Lupin Group fansub, has a nice load of info about AnK with character design images before the first episode starts. So, you should be able to pick up the info you need from there.

This OVA is cliched, but it's not. The whole, futuristic, class setup is a familiar, cliched, Marxist storyline. About the only thing drastically different are the apparent yaoi implications of a mostly male populace. But, that in itself is almost cliched also. It also has the familiar political struggles of this kind of society, as well as the inner turmoil and emotions of such characters. Cliched? Yes. Entertaining? Very much. But that's my opinion, definitely.

Not only is the plot cliched, the characters are also. However, I found them entertaining enough. I felt so sorry for Rikki, who was apparently the girl of the story as the plot progressed (which you don't necessarily catch at first)...which was odd in itself, since in reality he is such a masculine, even macho character. Iason was scary in his lack of emotions. Even though in the end, he was most certainly a character I came to respect and even love. (or at least it seems). Bizarrely enough, this couple works . . . even if it is the common coupling of a bigger, brooding, cool seme, and a feisty, flustered uke.

Gai should die. HA HA. And I liked Raoul, but I really liked Katze's character. :) Gai was an interesting character whose motives I found disagreeable . . . but works of course for the story's plot. And I liked Raoul, but I really liked how the character Katze, concerning his thoughts and portrayal.

Visual: Now for the visuals. For its age, this is animated exceptionally well. Then again, it is also hard to tell the quality since I have seen a computerized version of said anime, with slight pixelation. But, for a 1992 and 1994 feature that was probably controversial, it was excellent.

The special effects are not extraordinary, just satisfactory. The character designs are sweet. These men while pretty do not fall into the shounen-ai/shoujo category of being anorexic dolls with big, gooshy eyes. They are masculine, well toned and overall just nice to look at.

This anime does have sex scenes. It doesn't have the rating it does just to play a bad joke.

The...eh-heh...sex scenes. HEE HEE, Niiiice. While not explicity seeing anything for sure...it's more than apparent what's going on...the use of shadows and overall atmosphere is a teasing and sensual one. Oddly enough, the seme, Iason, is the paler, long-haired dude of the pair, though a good amount bigger than Rikki. The skin tones and colors make for an interesting color contrast that makes it even easier and more fun to watch.

It's HOT. SO BEWARE, and cover your crotch!

Sound: Music was painfully early ninties...but can be ignored or even enjoyed. Nothing really extraordinary.

The voice acting...it's great. Toshihiko Seki as Rikki is just perfect, hee hee (Watari in Yami no Matsuei, Duo in Gundam Wing, Legato in Trigun, Takaya in Mirage of Blaze, Count D in PetShop of Horrors, Yurimaru in Ninja Scroll, Duo in Gundam Wing, Genjo Sanzo in Saiyuki, and Iruka in Naruto). Kaneto Shiozawa as Iason Mink is extremely good, if not an older seiyuu with not as many popular roles (Goemon Ishikawa in Lupin the 3rd and Prince Dimondo in Sailor Moon) as well as Hideyuki Tanaka doing the role Katze (Rayearth from Magic Knight Rayearth and Ujiteru Hojo from Mirage of Blaze, as well as a rather experienced sound director, but not in this one).

The Dub: There is no dub...I'm waiting for some porno company or the adult division of an anime American comany to get this one. But, that may not happen since it's such a weirdly rare anime...and it is in reference to a written work not in English.

Dub Letter Grade: N/A

Extra Rants and Bitching: I really like this one. But then again, I'm a pervert, LOL. This is most certainly a specific genre of taste in anime.

Score Comments: Overall, I really like this one. But then again, that's my kind of taste for this genre of anime.. For plot, is it superior? Not really, but as I said before, I enjoyed this one, and while not necessarily the best of storytelling in the time it was allotted, it did make me sad when I watched it. To be blunt: It doesn't give you the best porn ever...but it's good.

Visually it is very good for its age, but its written works roots as well as it's rather cliched plot and characters are its downfall. A very enjoyable anime, but not the embodiment of exceptional entertainment achievement. Probably the original story it's based off with all its detail and subplot is better and less cliched. Unfortunately for us, I'm pretty sure that's not translated.

Alex's Ai no Kusabi (Probably the best information and image source for this OVA)
AIC's Official Ai no Kusabi (Small blurb page from the Japanese company that made the OVA, in English)
Ai no Kusabi (a small fanmade info page)
Boys on Boys on Film (A review site with other AnK reviews)
Soyokaze Fans (Distributes this OVA on VHS)

Have a website about this series, or do you know of a good one? Want me to link to it on this review? Well, the feel free to email the sucker to me! Just make sure to put "Review Link" in the subject.

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All reviews, Puffy Hammerhead and related characters and ideas are © 2002-2003 Holly Lyons. Warning, site contains sexual implications, brash opinions, and foul language. Don't get pissed if I have very cruel reviews, or if you find my behavior horrible, because if you do, I probably don't give a flying fuck. All images, stories, ideas, and characters reviewed in this mini-site are copyrighted to their rightful owners. The webmistress of this site does not have any rights to these anime or manga productions that are reviewed on this site. This is a non-profit site.