Puffy's Reviews: Anime: Hellsing
Alucard! Alucard and Victoria Alucard and our favorite crazy Catholic priest!
Date of last revision: 01/31/03

Genre: Action | Horror | Drama
Company: Gonzo Digimation | Pioneer LDC
American Liscensing Company: Pioneer Animation
Format: 13 episodes
Dates: 10/11/2001 to 01/16/02
Original Creator: Kouta Hirano
Age Rating: 18 and up

Synopsis: The place is London, and it seems that vampires are very real, as well as werewolfs, zombies and other unnatural monsters! Alucard is one of the few real vampires left in the world, and probably the most powerful. However, for some unknown reason he is a servant, bound to the human Intergal, head of the Hellsing Protestant Organization that manages and monitors vampires in England. More problems arise around the organization, as a new breed of artifical vampires surfaces, causing havoc. How powerful are the new vampires? And just how powerful is Alucard? Is there more than meets the eye about this vampire? Maybe Alucard's newest fledging vampire, Victoria can find out.

SCORE: 88%

Want gore? Want action? Want great characters that are badass? And also, an easy plot? Here ya go!

Plot: The plot is rather simple. However, for this show, that isnt' bad. It's nice being able to watch an action, gore anime that doesn't require extreme deep thought like so many other ultra-serious anime I've seen lately that like to drown in their own profound philosophy. Since this is the case, there isn't much more to the plot than what is mentioned in the synopsis. However, the characterization in this series is great, which makes up for this simplistic plot.

The biggest drawback to this series is that the plot is not resolved. Many questions are left without answers. This means a sequel series is possible, but this series ended about a year ago, without word of any sequel. So, this is a great show, but if you want every detail in this show resolved, don't expect it. That will be left to your own guessing. ^_^ But it's just as well, this show doesn't have to be resolved to be enjoyed.

Visual: Lots of CG with a very clean cut look (makes ya think of photoshop by amateur artists online). But, I'm not saying the visuals are bad! If you love black and the wonderful demented occult look, you'll love this series! Gunplay and evil powers were great! Some of Alucard's fights and attacks were awesome! No one, and I mean no one, fucks with Alucard!

Awesome visuals! However, if you don't like slight CG renderings (Photoshop kinda look a little) you won't like this series. But, I think these visuals kick ass regardless! I was amazed by the visuals, and boy did their sheer evilness and coolness make me laugh. Geez, Alucard's a badass!

This series is so full of cussing and awesome demented insulting, that it was awesome! It made me laugh so much!

Sound: Ew-yuck! And I mean that in a good way. Nice gross sounds of rotting corpses. Gunfire wasd great!

Voices were a lot of fun! Especially Alucard and Intergal.

The Dub: Passable. I can't say much more since I only viewed a small portion, but it does seem a bit rigid. But guess what? All the cussing is kept in the dub, and it was fun hearing the characters yelling fuck so often and talking in such an obscene manner in the dub. LOL Complete with accents!

Dub Letter Grade: B

Extra Rants and Bitching: Victoria's boobs sure liked to grow in this series. Do boobs get bigger when you get turned into a vampire? If that's the case, someone get a vampire to bite me!

Good series, Alucard kicks ass, and a sequel is needed!

Score Comments: Not the perfect series, but a lot of fun. You won't enjoy this kind of action and demented humor in any other anime. Have fun with this series!


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All reviews, Puffy Hammerhead and related characters and ideas are © 2002-2003 Holly Lyons. Warning, site contains sexual implications, brash opinions, and foul language. Don't get pissed if I have very cruel reviews, or if you find my behavior horrible, because if you do, I probably don't give a flying fuck. All images, stories, ideas, and characters reviewed in this mini-site are copyrighted to their rightful owners. The webmistress of this site does not have any rights to these anime or manga productions that are reviewed on this site. This is a non-profit site.