Puffy's Reviews: Anime: Now and Then, Here and There Syu and Lala-Ru Syu in soldier gear helping kids Nabuca about to fall
Now and Then, Here and There
Date of last revision: 04/26/03

Alternate Title: Ima, Soko ni iru boku | NTHT
Genre: Science Fiction | Fantasy | Drama | Military
Company: AIC | Pioneer Animation
American Liscensing Company: Central Park Media
Format: 13 episodes
Dates: 10/14/1999 to 01/20/2000
Original Creator: Akitaro Daichi; original story, not based off a manga
Age Rating: Not suitable for children; 13 and up with much advised parental guidence

Synopsis: Syu (or Shu) is a typical Japanese boy, but has an unbeatable, optimistic and determined attitude. However, when he sees a mysterious girl with strange eyes named Lala-Ru up on a smokestack, he is soon pulled into a strange desert world. Syu soon discovers the true terrors of war, which includes genocide, brutal torture, hunger, thirst, and child explotation. Now Syu is trying to save Lala-Ru, as well as his hard earned, and often relunctant, new friends from the insane dictator, Hamdo. But how can Syu possibly accomplish saving those he cares about and still hold up to his values, including never killing people and living on no matter what happens?

SCORE: 98%

The first episode is really deceiving for a couple reasons. One, you have no idea what an utterly serious series you're getting into, and two, the style of the animation makes you think this series is really old, when it's pretty recent (finished in January 10, 2000). But this series is the shiznits!

Plot: The plot rocks! Hell, yes! I have never liked military movies of any sort, and this series isn't really, but it does have elements of that kind of genre. But I it love it anyway! The first episode makes you think that it's going to be a story about the daily and common life of a Japanese preteen/young teen. But don't be fooled! Syu is an awesome, believable, modest character and he's amazing to watch, no matter what situation he's in, and his attitude is the only thing that keeps this series from wallowing in its own despair. This series is one of the best anime I have ever seen. Hell, it's one of the best stories I've ever seen. This is defintely a series that let's you know that war is no noble cause or laughing matter and shows how merciless real war and genocide truly is. This series was very realistic, true, and awesome. This may be too serious an anime for some, but I think Syu's personality really let's this show shine.

You will become so attached to these characters, and when some of them die, you'll really hate it! But, this series is great for how things like that would happen in a war. I'd have to say, besides Syu being so awesome, I really became attached to Nabuca, one of the most despairing child soldier in the whole series.

Visual: Many have not like this anime for it's animation. The style of this animation is very simplistic. I myself enjoy simplicity very much, so this series really appealed to me. However, other people think this simplicity means poor animation and that the company may have had a poor budget. That may be true for some series, but everything in this series was wonderfully animated, even in its simplicity. The visuals got the ideas across, and often some absolutely awesome shots were created that would let the audience know that this is not a poorly animated series (like the final drawing back scene of the first episode). I liked taking a break from anime that has overcomplicated drawings anyway, so I really enjoyed the visuals.

I think this series length was very good, so no crap and filler was inserted anywhere. Not one bit. There was some recap, but it was hardly noticeable. I'd still like a sequel series!

Sound: Sounds weren't really extraordinary at all. They did however get the ideas across.

The voices were excellent. Again, nothing extraordinary, but I especially liked the voices of Syu and Nabuca that were performed very well. And Hamdo...man, his voice couldn't be anymore annoying, and I mean that in a good way.

The Dub: The dub has it's moments when the acting is horrible. Also, voices done by women originally for some of the young boys were done by men in the dub (which includes Syu and Nabuca). There's nothing wrong with that, but this series was suppose to show how war can destroy anyone, including children, so giving the characters deeper voices to make them seem older and to make the subject of this series less harsh was not a good idea. I'm just probably reading into that too much actually. I suggest sticking to the original Japanese with subtitles. However, it's not the most horrible dub I've ever heard, even if it almost gets there at times.

Dub Letter Grade: B-

Extra Rants and Bitching: There so could be a sequel, even if it isn't necessary. I say this, because the story resolved but could continue is so many ways, and was left open so it could continue...and well...you get really attached to these characters! I WANT a sequel! I want to see what happens to these characters in the aftermath, and see if Syu would be there again to help, and how he would handle it another time around! WAAAHHH!!!!

Score Comments: I know this score of 98% is extremely high, but this series deserves it, especially after what sad coverage and exposure it received here in the U.S. This series probably is an acquired taste adn may not impress everyone, but I think it was awesome, so definetly check this series out sometime. I'll be purchasing this series hopefully sometime myself, especially if there's a boxset available. It may be a depressing series, but it's a good story that shows that the human spirit can prevail.

Now and Then, Here and There (Official Park Media Website)

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