Puffy's Reviews: Anime: Perfect Blue The pop trio, CHAM Mima, in a rare moment of normalacy A bloody Mima
Perfect Blue
Date of last revision: 08/15/03

Genre: Psychological Thriller | Horror | Drama
Company: ???
American Liscensing Company: Manga Entertainment
Format: 1 movie
Dates: 1994 (?)
Original Creator: Yoshikazu Takeuchi (novel writer)
Age Rating: 18 and up

Synopsis: Mima is a pop idol and the lead singer of the music trio, Cham. However, she wants to be taken seriously as an entertainer, so she pursues an acting career, trying to rid herself of her pop image. But, many of Mima's loyal fans don't want her to change, especially when she takes on controversial acting roles, which she also feels uncomfortable about. Soon threats and crimes surround the people Mima knows, and she worries for her safety. Should she be afraid of the recent happenings? And who should she be afraid of?

SCORE: 95%

This movie is the Fight Club of anime, except it features a girl pop idol instead of a disillusioned man, and it predates Fight Club. This is a great psycho-thriller for the anime genre! Now if this would only happen to Britney Spears....

Plot: Dude! This plot rocks! Well written and put together very well. It keeps your attention, and if it doesn't, you'll miss something important! And the story should be good; this movie was based off a novel and was considered to be made a live action first. So, this story kicks ass!

Just like in the spirt of Fight Club (but this movie was made first in the mid-90s), the movie will keep you guessing about the truth to the reality of what is happening. And just who is crazy?

I'll leave the plot at that. Much more, and I'll really ruin it for ya, if I haven't a bit already!

Visual: Since this movie had a lot of potential to become live action first, there are many things in this movie that just were not extraordinary, since they didn't need the skills of animation to execute such effects.

But, in all truthfulness, while this movie could had been executed live action relatively easily (at least now for sure) there were just some thing about it that just worked really well animated. Especially psycho moments, lol.

Some moments that were just still shots were very beautiful. While not incredibly extraordinary, the artwork for all it's complicatedness, still had an air of simplicity, making this movie easy to look at. Very good artwork, and it is very good, since it's almost reaching 10 years old now.

Sound: The sound effects were very good and executed very well. Such vicious, awful sounds! ^_^

The voices were well picked and fit the everyday kind of people of the entertainment business I would expect. Good.

Music. It's freakin' psycho! Excellent soundtrack that makes the action pound and move along. Creepy, yo!

The Dub: I did see this movie dubbed first. Back in the day when I had to purchase anime before I could see it (there is still no places to rent anime where I live), I had to make good guesses on what anime to buy and hope I got a keeper. Having heard this movie was good, I went to buy it, but didn't know then that I could have ordered it subtitled (and this is before I bought dvds). I still have my vhs copy of the dubbed movie.

Having seen the dub first, I probably like the dub a bit better than most people. However, I do have complaints. Mima's voice actress just seemed a bit...over acted. Granted, Mima is probably suppose to be a little airheaded also, but sometimes, the exagerrated acting could be heard. Also, a big annoyance of mine was hearing Mima's mother's voice in English. The voice actress gave her character an English southern draw to be equivelent to whatever Japanese accent the woman was suppose to have. It didn't work. I felt that accent unnecessary.

For the most part, the dub was okay.

Dub Letter Grade: B

Extra Rants and Bitching: This is such a cool movie! I will say though, it is very disturbing and disgusting, so watch out!

Score Comments: It maybe called Perfect Blue, but it's not quite perfect. But I don't think anything is anyway, lol. I'm not one to give out completely perfect scores to begin with. So, it's an excellent movie! Check out! But beware for the violence and explicitness that will ensue!

Perfect Blue: Official site from Manga Entertainment

Have a website about this series, or do you know of a good one? Want me to link to it on this review? Well, the feel free to email the sucker to me! Just make sure to put "Review Link" in the subject. Take note, that I am not responsible for the content of the websites I linked to; not all, but most sites I will be linked to will be good reference sources for this anime/manga.

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