Puffy's Reviews: Manga: FAKE Dee & Ryo The unusual group that is practically a family! Bikky & Carol An accidental and awkward moment of confession by Ryo to Dee about him not liking someone else kissing Dee.  LOL
Date of last revision: 05/23/03

Related Titles: FAKE (OVA)

Warning: If you are homophopic, stay away from this title. You were warned.
Genre: Shounen-Ai | Yaoi | Action | Romance | Drama | Humor
Production Companies: Biblos Co. (Be X Boy)
American Liscensing Company: Tokyo Pop
Format: 7 volumes
Dates: 1994 to 2000(?)
Original Creator: Sanami Matoh
Age Rating: 16 and up (NC17 last volume)
How much I read: The first volume and miscellanous pieces

Synopsis: Dee Laytner and Randy "Ryo" Maclane are two cops who fight and solve crimes in New York City. Dee has a great amount of romantic interest in Ryo, but Ryo isn't sure about his own feelings for his partner or what to even think of another man hitting on him. It's one misadventure and awkward moment to the next as the two of them try to sort out their relationship and feelings, while still keeping up with their jobs.

SCORE: 91%

Hmm...the story of a blossoming gay couple, which includes the fact that Ryo is finding out he is gay/bisexual(?) as it happens. The OVA of this series was the first shounen-ai/yaoi I had ever seen, so the manga was something I wanted to read too!

Plot: The plot works pretty well. This manga is entertaining to read, even if the main focus is on Dee and Ryo's relationship. If you like police stuff, you'll like the series too. And...if you want to see some straight people, don't worry! Quite a few stories are actually about Bikky and Carol, and their relationship turning into an intimate one as they grow up (and it's cool that Carol is 3 years older than Bikky. Don't see that too often. Usually the guy is older)! All stories are cute and fun to read, as well as hilarious with a good dose of seriousness. There is plenty of police action in this story too. Whether that is your thing or not, you'll have to see. I can get bored with police gabber, but FAKE is pretty good about staying interesting with the cases Dee and Ryo investigate. And I hope I would like this series for that. I mean, I don't watch the 3 out of 4 Law & Order tv shows for nothing!

Seeing a black/white racism problem is manga is very different and even weird, since that is an American problem, not a Japanese one. However, Bikky is half-black, half-white, and he does put up with racist remarks. I really respected seeing this in the manga, even though I'm pretty sure Sanami doesn't know about this specific racism first hand. LOL Seeing Bikky and Carol's relationship going from puppy love to something more intimate as they grow up is very cute and nice to read, even if you are reading this series for the shounen-ai/yaoi. It's pretty cool that Carol is actually 3 years older than Bikky, which is pretty rare to see in manga, especially at their young ages of 15 and 12 when the series starts. Usually the guy is older!

Sanami did a good job of telling her story and finishing it when it needed to be ended instead of dragging out useless stories. I would have very much like to have seen the story continue (and read about Dee and Ryo getting more frisky again, lol), but Sanami picked a good place to end the story at a good point of Dee and Ryo's relationship. What point was it in their relationship? LOL, you'll have to read to find out yourself, 'cause I won't tell you!

I love Dee and Ryo's relationship. It's a little stereotypical is some points, but not at all on others. Ryo is the typical feisty but gentle uke (a little girly; kids like him, he's clean, neat and apparently is a good cook) and Dee is the really aggressive and suave seme (and of course, as seme, Dee is the at least standard centimeter or two taller than Ryo, and one has dark hair and the other light). However, Ryo is actually a year older than Dee, and even though Dee is the seme, he's the one completely into being intimate and needing affection, comfort and the wanting the ability to talk about their relationship. This is nice to see, showing that it's not all about sex with these two, especially with Dee. If Dee hadn't been aggressive, I doubt Ryo would have even thought twice about Dee being a love interest, or it would have taken a very long time for him to realize that. While Ryo is not cold, he comes across as a person that is strong being on his own and can do well emotionally on his own...until he gets attached to someone...like Dee, lol.

Visual: I enjoyed seeing a gay couple that were pretty equal in stature. The same goes for their looks and physical build being equal. Even though Ryo is slightly shorter than Dee and has slightly bigger eyes, in every other attribute, the two look equal in strength and build and seem to have the same amount of masculinity. That wasn't necessary, and I don't hate it when it's not equal, but it is a good change, especially from a couple like Shuichi and Yuki from Gravitation.

Sanami's style is very clean-cut and crisp, and not over complicated, even though it does have a good amount of girliness when it comes to flowers, clothes and shading. However, that isn't overdone. Her style is not like any other I've seen in manga, and is very refreshing. It even reminds one of American comic book style in many ways.

Very good visuals that are easy to follow and not confusing. Enjoy!

Extra Rants and Bitching: I love this series! It's not a favorite, but it's near my favorites on my list of anime/manga!

Score Comments: 91% is the final score! It's a very good series, but was docked a bit for some stereotypes with Dee and Ryo's relationship. However, she did get rid of many other stereotypes, so this series is very good! Enjoy!


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All reviews, Puffy Hammerhead and related characters and ideas are © 2002-2003 Holly Lyons. Warning, site contains sexual implications, brash opinions, and foul language. Don't get pissed if I have very cruel reviews, or if you find my behavior horrible, because if you do, I probably don't give a flying fuck. All images, stories, ideas, and characters reviewed in this mini-site are copyrighted to their rightful owners. The webmistress of this site does not have any rights to these anime or manga productions that are reviewed on this site. This is a non-profit site.