Puffy's Reviews: Manga: Thief & Detective Hugo and Martin Hugo getting pissed at Martin's flirting Hugo surprised by Martin's feelings.
Thief & Detective
Date of last revision: 07/05/03

Warning: If you are homophopic, stay away from this title. You were warned.
Genre: Shounen-Ai | Action | Drama | Humor
Company: ???
American Liscensing Company: None
Format: ??? On going
Dates: ????
Original Creator: Kaname Itsuki
Age Rating: 16 and up
How much I read: The whole thing! ^_^

Synopsis: In a place that appears to be London/England, Police Officer Hugo, a serious young detective, seems to have been in pursuit of the bizarre and lighthearted thief named Dr. Martin for quite some time (who seems to have no clear motive or need to be a thief, except maybe boredom). Hugo wants to be the one to arrest him after chasing him for so long. However, the chase hits a turning point when Dr. Martin confesses that he became a thief just so he could catch Hugo's attention...because he says he loves Hugo! Hugo still wants to arrest Martin, but with Martin's confession, Hugo doesn't know what to do about the recent turn of events...or what to do about his own feelings. Meanwhile, Martin waits patiently for Hugo to come around....

SCORE: 72%

An interesting, but very, very unknown manga. Is it even really seriously published? Who knows, who cares, I'm reviewing it. ^_^

Plot: Like most Shounen-Ai manga, this manga of course is for the entertainment of the female audience. So far it's been all angst, but I'm sure at the pace it's going, it'll become softcore/smutty before long. UPDATE: Maybe not. Ha ha! This series turned out to just be a pretty tame and cute shounen-ai!

The premise itself is very cute and entertaining. The story was good, if simple. It's not even important that this manga is shonen-ai or not; it's just cute.

From just a normal viewpoint, this story has been very straight forward, if not too simplistic. The characters are a bit stereotypical, but still retain cute quirks. The motto of this manga seems to be to do everything you can for the attention of your love! This manga may be even a bit too quick; I was really suprised on how many crucial emotional points that would be so important in other manga quickly happend in this one. I think for once, I wish this story was a little more slow paced, so there would be just a little more time to get to know the characters, besides a bit about their past and their weird quirks. This means either the writer is no nonsense getting to the point of the story, or she's trying to get to the angst spirit of her manga as quickly as possible.

Something scary about this manga is that it seems everyone in this so far is probably bi/gay too; give us a little variety, please! And there are no females anywhere! If you girlies just want to see two cute guys liking each other as quickly as possible, with or without a plot, this is the manga for you. There is a plot, but it's not a very complicated one, and it may disappoint. And if you're a guy (probably a straight one at that) you probably won't enjoy this manga.

Visual: This manga is very clean cut in appearance and crisp, with a nice even amount of screentones and detail. Of course, for a shounen-ai title, everyone is pretty, and the guys are very elegant with pretty faces, hardly any muscle tone, slim bodies, and elegant hands and nails.

Clothing is a bit complicated but not overbearing, and seem to maintain the spirit of this place that appears to be England. Even with the pretty appearance of the characters, the clothing and proportions of characters seems to have a bit of retro throwback; hands and feet are slightly bigger than needed, sleeves and pants legs flare a bit, and the constant use of gloves (that are flared also) all seem a tad retro to earlier manga drawing styles (like Tezuka's; think Astroboy or Metropolis). This is some very neat and cute stylization, and Itsuki seems to have a nice little style nailed down. Cute. ^_^

Extra Rants and Bitching: I myself liked this manga, but as always, it's because I like laughing at any kind of emotional angst. I enjoy other people's suffering. ^_^ Besides, laughing at quirky gay men tend to be a favorite pastime of mine. I guess that's because I'm a girl. ^_^lol

Score Comments: If you want to read a short and simple shounen-ai story, this is it for you. If you want plot and character, don't expect to be amazed, even if this simple plot is rather straightforward and cute. This manga is just a tad too fast paced, and just leaning towards being eyecandy for girls a bit too much to get any better praise. All in all, a nice, quick, uncomplicated read for people like me who enjoys laughing at quirky gay men.

Aku Tenshi (Read what I've read so far. This scanlation site was my source for this manga.)

Have a website about this series, or do you know of a good one? Want me to link to it on this review? Well, the feel free to email the sucker to me! Just make sure to put "Review Link" in the subject.

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All reviews, Puffy Hammerhead and related characters and ideas are © 2002-2003 Holly Lyons. Warning, site contains sexual implications, brash opinions, and foul language. Don't get pissed if I have very cruel reviews, or if you find my behavior horrible, because if you do, I probably don't give a flying fuck. All images, stories, ideas, and characters reviewed in this mini-site are copyrighted to their rightful owners. The webmistress of this site does not have any rights to these anime or manga productions that are reviewed on this site. This is a non-profit site.