Puffy's Reviews: What is this place?

*******What is this place?*******

Welcome to Puffy's Reviews! I'm Holli, and this site is all about my fun little mascot, the demented and deformed rabbit-thing-spirit, named Puffy Hammerhead! ^_^

Actually in this site, you'll find several anime and manga reviews written by yours truly. Also, an occasional comic strip about Puffy will show up, and Words & Phrases is a very small guide for terms you may not know in my reviews and comics. And of course, the gallery features the images I used in my reviews.

This site is rated R mostly for my wicked sense of humor and brash opinions which often brings on foul language and creepy sexual implications. However, this site has no nudity, and you won't understand my jokes and implications unless you already know what I'm talking about when I'm being perverse. :P So, this site while I would hope is helpful, is really not for you kids! Besides, what kind of young kids actually search the web for reviews to read? Comics sure...but c'mon!

Puffy and everything related to her was at one time on my main site, Holli the Genet, but I was running out of space and these reviews brought on too many visitors, (plus I want to build some mini-shrines if possible on my site, so I need the room) causing my main site to go down. I will not say that opening my reviews into their own site will fix the problem, but it will help a little. :P

Well, that's it! Have fun!

FAQ and Feedback
Don't agree with my reviews? Don't like my comics or comments? Do you wish to correct some facts I stated? Did you enjoy my reviews or find my other content funny? Don't hesitate to email me about it! Don't miss your chance to get your opinions on anime and manga posted here on this website! Email me about it! Or...

Check out my LiveJournal to see when I might be getting to update next!

Thom, Jonathan, Ed, Colin and Phil.  We got monkeys!  Why?  Why not, damn it?!


All reviews, Puffy Hammerhead and related characters and ideas are © 2002-2003 Holly Lyons. Warning, site contains sexual implications, brash opinions, and foul language. Don't get pissed if I have very cruel reviews, or if you find my behavior horrible, because if you do, I probably don't give a flying fuck. All images, stories, ideas, and characters reviewed in this mini-site are copyrighted to their rightful owners. The webmistress of this site does not have any rights to these anime or manga productions that are reviewed on this site. This is a non-profit site.