Name: Aud-Lia of Bian

Race: Half-elf, Half-drow

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Class: Wizard

Looks: Aud-Lia wears a cloak of dark green (almost, almost black) that she is particularly fond of wearing the cowl up. She is pale skinned with green eyes w/ rust colour around the pupil. Her hair, brown with lights of white/gray in it, flows down to below her waist. (And is a pain to brush)

Strength: 8

Dexterity: 15

Constitution: 12

Intelligence: 18

Wisdom: 14

Charisma: 16

Skills: Bluff (2), Hide (2), Concentrate (4), Spell Craft (2), Wilderness (2), Language

Feats: scribe scroll, silent spell

Languages: Common, Under-common, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling, Draconic, Gnome, Orc, Sylvan

Equipment: Bed roll, caltrops, 2 candle, scroll case, dagger, flint and steel, black ink, ink pen, mirror, paper, 2 parchment, sewing needle, torch, clothes, spellbook

Weapons: Dagger (1d4, -1)

Spells: 3+1/2+1 – all 0 lvl, alarm, animate rope, change self, colour spray, obscuring myst, spider climb, summon monster I

Specialization: Illusion (prohibited Divination and Necromancy)

AC: 11

Speed: 30 ft.

Initiative: +2

Melee: -1

Ranged: +2

Fort: +1

Ref: +2

Will: +4

HP: 5

Money: 12 gp, 3 sp

Class skills: Dark vision (100); Elven weapon proficiency; +2 racial bonus to will saves against spells and spell-like abilities; immunity to magik sleep spells and effects; +2 racial bonus to search, spot, and listen checks; 5 feet within a secret door check thing. (nicely worded *sarcastic*)

Weight: 96

Height: 5’ 1”

Age: 124 (about 17)


Note: Aud-Lia is left-handed


Aud-Lia’s Story

It starts with how her mother and father met up….

Aud-Lia’s mother (Melanthalas), being the oldest of her house hold, had to venture out from beneath the ground and her home into the forests near the elven lands searching for her younger brother who had been foolish and attempted to explore the top side land. She found later her brother had returned home and neither she nor the family had known until she had already ventured out to the Light world. She lost her way and fell asleep above the ground for during the day (she was traveling at night). Alone in the hostile and terrible (light) world of above she wondered, lost in the strange landscape. Her second day (night for her) an elven ranger, Aud-Lia’s father (Sentreesi) found her. His first thought was to kill her. Drow were evil, evil should be banished from the world when ever possible. Yet something held him back. Here the drow was, sleeping deeply with out a fear, completely innocent. To kill her with out giving her a chance….

Still knowing he should kill her while she slept he shoved this learning away and sat by and watched until she awoke. Melanthalas’s first reaction was of defense- the enemy had found her! She cast a spell to paralyze the ranger and it succeeded. A strange encounter it was, but Sentreesi, quite a charismatic being, convinced that he meant no harm to her. It was a hard task that took much charm but it worked. Melanthalas made him swear to Kes himself to forget he had ever saw her and then left him, again trying to find her way back home.  She eventually found her way back home yet she did not know that Sentreesi had followed her the entire time. Sentreesi was ranger and is only seen if he wishes so. So then Sentreesi went off had lived his good life and Melanthalas lived her evil one.

            20 years flew away on the elven winds and Sentreesi found he did not forget the Drow he had found sleeping in the woods. He thought of her and she fascinated him. Was she really so evil as all said or maybe it was not so. The riddles drove him mad with wonder. He could not ask or talk to anyone about the Drow; that would be breaking his vow to Kes, God of Life and Good. So he wondered until he decided he was going to find out. That night he left with telling anything other than a note reading not to worry to his family. He made his way to where Melanthalas had disappeared into the earth 20 years ago. And foolishly, he entered.

            He did not get far into the realms beneath the earth with out being noticed. The dark realms were as unfamiliar to him as the above world had been to Melanthalas. He was captured and kept imprisoned in Melanthalas’s home village. He was kept in the dark and waiting alone and cold to be questioned on how he had gotten here and others things. Entrances into the dark realms were kept most secret.

            The day came when he was to be questioned and Melanthalas came to watch with the rest of the entire village. Who had been the fool to venture down in the dark realms alone? And then there was the fear question: how had the fool discovered his entrance to here? She did not recognize the elf as Sentreesi. If she had she probably would have left the questioning, not to care what happened to the compassionate fool. Yet then the fear question was asked and Sentreesi answered truthfully under torture: He had seen a Drow enter there. And who it was, the Drow demanded to know; giving away the secret of the entrances was punishable by death. And then Melanthalas recognized the tortured elf as Sentreesi. As he screamed out the name of Melanthalas in pain, she fled for her life was now forfeit. Melanthalas fled but not far, and pursuers followed yet she eluded them with magik and skill. Others at the questioning decided the elf’s fate. He held knowledge not allowed to any of his kind so he must be omitted. Death was to be Sentreesi’s fate.

            Melanthalas was enraged at the elf for he had broken his vow, if under torture. To tell not anyone meant not only his own people but also her own. Now she could never return to her people: always an outcast from the above world and now an outcast from the Dark realms. What was she to do she did not know except Sentreesi was not going to meet his death at the other Drow’s hands; he was going to meet it at hers. That night she would ‘rescue’ him.

             The ‘rescue’ succeeded and Melanthalas led Sentreesi to an area no one every ventured, it being very dangerous to the mind. There she whispered, then spoke, then, yelled, then screamed at Sentreesi how he had taken away her life and therefore she was to take away his life. She had taken her dagger poisoned in her hand ready to kill him. Yet Sentreesi made use of his silver tongue that seem had saved him last time from Melanthalas’s anger. He pleaded that he had use to her, how she could not stay here in the Dark realms forever hunted. The above earth had many places to hide from others. Drow would not venture up there and dangers of others like humans, elves, halfling, gnomes could be avoided with Sentreesi’s help. He could help her. And she did not believe him; how would she know he would not betray her? An oath was worthless. And Sentreesi fell into shame at the reminder of the breaking of his vow. Melanthalas could only trust him. Which risk would Melanthalas choose: alone in the Dark Realms or the above world with Sentreesi’s untrustworthy help. Her anger and need for vengeance softened some, she decided against killing Sentreesi and fleeing into the above earth.

Sentreesi helped Melanthalas in the above world to ease his guilty about his broken vow, to save his life from her vengeful anger, and well a feeling he could not name and did not like. Melanthalas stayed with Sentreesi until he taught her everything she possible could. The night she found out he could teach her nothing more about surviving in the above world, she slipped away from him in the night, using skills he had taught her. The next morning Sentreesi found himself alone and became very distraught. He wondered why he was; he should be very glad at the disappearance of her. Then he realized that unnamed feeling was Love and he cursed himself, her, and all the Gods for it and returned to living among the elves to bury that feeling. Yet he found that Love was not a feeling to be buried and but five years later he found himself roaming the empty lands in search of her.

He found her as part of a village of outcasts from their own societies, half of them with death marks like Melanthalas. He found Melanthalas and told her what he felt and she turned away, “I have lost the feeling of Love if I ever possessed it. Love someone who will return the feeling.” Yet Sentreesi did not Love any other and he followed her around like a loyal servant. Melanthalas cursed Sentreesi for his stupidity and married him for the only reason that it would lessen questions. Melanthalas, as the winds whipped 30 years away, learned the feeling of Love for her servant called husband, Sentreesi. The lived in the village of out casts melded into the society of it. Melanthalas was known as the Witch (she is really a wizard) for the town and Sentreesi was a valued scout, hunter and thief. And then came the day when Melanthalas had a child.

The Child was graceful like an elf with dusky skin and brown hair with streaks of white lacing it. And Melanthalas named the child Aud-Lia, Deserted-Weary, after what brought her into existence. Aud-Lia grew up into the village until she was 10 (in human years) where she learned Wizardry from her mother dearest, and skills of stealth and survival from her father. She was well known and liked by all in the village and was often trusted to deliver messages to people in another outcast village or areas where civilization existed. Life went on and was good until Drow did something to trouble Melanthalas and her family again. The world of Odeslia was in a fragile state and was falling into a world wide war. The Drow were not one to take chances. Melanthalas had information that was not for other races and if she were to tell any one, it could bring great threat to the Dark Realm. They had of course had always been watching her but it was now time that her death mark be fulfilled before information could be loosed. Three Assassins were sent after her; one for herself, one for Sentreesi, and one for their spawn Aud-Lia.

Melanthalas, Sentreesi, and Aud-Lia ran with the Assassins and Death just steps behind them. They were split up, Melanthalas alone and Sentreesi with Aud-Lia when the Assassins caught up with Sentreesi, killed him, and then continued after his child while their brother ran after Melanthalas. Melanthalas eluded the Assassin eventually but he always hunted her. Aud-Lia meanwhile ran with her father’s Assassin and his brother after her. She hardly knew what was happening and did not know why the pursued her. The only thing she knew was that when they caught up to her, her life would in. She stumbled and ran and coughed blood in exhaustion when fate rescued her and she stumbled into a random portal. A random portal does what its name suggests; it randomly transports a person to another world, never to the same one, making her impossible. But she found herself in a strange world (Krynn), alone, still a child, and no idea what to do. She wondered for several days when she finally met a group of adventures that took her as if she were one of their own children. She stayed with her saviors and grew up in Krynn. Finally she was an adult and she left to find her own fortune. Exploring a wild area she found a portal. Knowing nothing of portals yet willing to risk anything for a chance to end up back into her own world she prepared and then fell thru.

Aud-Lia ended up in Nexus with barely more of a clue of what she was doing when she first wound up in Krynn. Yet she made her way to the City and you find her as she is now….


She still wishes to go back home to Odeslia, yet how? She must find out more on portals. Yet for now she will stay in Nexus City for her fortune there.