Time modifiers are placed behind the verbs

Eternal past- sabado

Wistful past- té

Far past- yam

Near past- dád

Present- ded

Near future- la

Far future- yo

Hopeful future- sí



Possessives and plurals is places in front of the noun

Possessive- mi

Plural- me



Male- el

Female- ela

Neuter- es



Male- elho

Female- elha

Neuter- ecid



To turn a word into an adverb place se in front of it.





Place in front:

Emphasis- ehe

Proper noun- eh

Endearment- re


Place behind:

Question- más


For ‘she’, ‘he’ etc place ‘eh and then definite prefix

G are HEH

Use helping verbs inconsistently

Sometimes leave off verb modifiers if already on concerning the same thing.




B d h k l n m s t


Que-Shu to English

agantar- To stand

alemáne- Game

almo- One (person)-

ament- Beauty

amente- Beautiful

amente- Only

anco- Whole

angust- Through

arboleda- Dear

arleque- To belong

arno- To believe

arre- To let

asta- To know

audas- Leadership

audisis- Proud

bandito- Blessing

bau- To kneel

coda- Sorry

cansado- Last

corazón- Heart

daco- Again

dáse- Before (all of past)-

de- In

de- Of

de- Than-

de- To

de- With

debaho- Underneath

deseo- To desire

didason- Father

do- To forgive

dolos- To realize

egoho- Self

en- At

en- If

enero- First

enreda- To exist

erde- To lose-

esito- To need

éso- It 

espde- Then

Eya- Yes

ficial- There

fin- To end

finoza- Truth

flegaso- To fall in love

fuelsa- Strength

gafigo- Chieftain

geare- To tell

goce- To go

grenta- To leave

haku- Home

helar- Long (time)-

ifino- A god

kana- When

ke- And

kirato- To make

larbe- Ancient

larto- Still (it’s still here)-

lata- Can (verb)

lepa- Part

liente- Courage

tola- Tall

lunes- To ask

lustre- Honour

mada- Command

magfi- Peace

med- You

meido- Afraid

mera- Man (includes other races)-

met- I/me

montruo- Thing

mucio- Moment

mugre- To face

na- No

naseinta- To deny

nero- Handsome

ode- Other

oír- Here

oísta- To think

orque- Because (for)

orrode- Journey

pala- To come

pit- What

preseno- To give

pugedo- To cast out

pugeti- To banish

querido- Beloved

rafise- Angry

ranas- In front of

recibir- To receive

rede- For

remedio- To hope

resina- To acknowledge

rínase- To refuse

ríne- To remember

robe- How

ser- To be

sere- Is/am

shek- To say

shuro- To talk

siempre- Forever

siha- All

sino- But

son- Daughter

tahea- To claim

teb- To hear

tene- To hold

tes- We

utumno- Furious

ved- Not

veren- To shame

verga- To frighten

vete- Never

viculto- To bow

vida- To see

vien- Until

yamas- Words

yano- Danger


English to Que-Shu


To acknowledge- resina

Afraid- meido

Again- daco

All- siha

Ancient- larbe

And- ke

Angry- rafise

At- en

To ask- Lunes

To banish- pugeti

To be- ser

Beauty- ament

Beautiful- amente

Because (for)- orque

Before (all of past)- dáse

To believe- arno

To belong- arleque

Beloved- querido

Blessing- bendito

To bow- viculto

But- sino

Can (verb)- lata

To cast out- pugedo

Chieftain- gafigo

To claim- tahea

To come- pala

Command- mada

Courage- liente

Danger- yano

Daughter- son

Dear- arboleda

To deny- naseinta

To desire- deseo

To end- fin

To exist- enreda

To face- mugre

Father- didason

To fall in love- flegaso

First- enero

For- rede

Forever- siempre

To forgive- do

To frighten-verga

In front of- ranas

Furious- utumno

Game- alemáne

To give-preseno

To go- goce

A god- ifino

Handsome- nero

To hear- teb

Heart- corazón

Here- oír

To hold- tene

Home- haku

Honour- lustre

To hope- remedio

How- robe

I/me- met

If- en

In- de

It- éso          

Is/am- sere

To kneel- bau

To know- asta

Journey- orrode

Last- cansado

Leadership- audas

To leave- grenta

To let- arre

Long (time)- helar

To lose- erde

To make- kirato

Man (includes other races)- mera

Moment- mucio

To need- esito

Never- vete

No- na

Not- ved

Of- de

One (person)- almo

Only- amente

Other- ode

Part- lepa

Peace- magfi

Proud- audisis

To realize- dolos

To receive- recibir

To refuse- rínase

To remember- ríne

To say- shek

To see- vida

Self- egoho

To shame- veren

Sorry- coda

To stand- agantar

Strength- fuelsa

Still (it’s still here)- larto

To talk-shuro

Tall- tola

To tell- geare

Than- de

Then- espde

There- ficial

Thing- montruo

To think- oísta

Through- angust

To- de


Underneath- debaho

Until- vien

We- tes

What- pit

When- kana

Whole- anco

With- de

Words- yamas

Yes- Eya

You- med