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Firestarter Summary

Summaries of Each Book

Firestarter is a book about a man and a woman who meet in a pshcology class experiment, and later on get married and have a daughter who can start fires by thinking about it. In the experiment they are injected with a mysterious hallucinigine, which in turn gives them both special powers. One of the main characters Andy Mcgee, the man in the experiment, has the power to "push" people, in other words he can make people do anything he wants them to do with his mind. The two people have a little girl named Charlie. Early in the book the reader finds out that the wife, vicky, is killed by a secret service called The Shop, which is similar to the CIA and the FBI. The story finally starts to pick up when The Shop turns on Charlie, and her father Andy and chases them down in a wild goose chase which ends in an all out "fire show" put on by Charlie. Stephen King is a very descriptive writer especially in the book Firestarter. King uses very descriptive words to describe almost every scene. The reader feels like they are right there in the story. He also uses a very interesting technique in which every paragraph is seen from a different characters point of view. In each chapter the story continues for a different person enticing the reader to read on to the next chapter in order to see what happens to each character. King uses very descriptive words, and sentences to describe the scene he is setting up, “Everything was blurred, ghostly. The air was full of hot, choking smoke, and red flashes. The horses were still battering at their stall doors, but now the doors, latch less, were swinging open.” He also describes each new character introduced in a very detailed way, “Pretty girl. Tall. Light auburn, the overhead lights made copper glints in her hair. Marvelously good complexion. Good legs.” This use of descriptive words keeps the reader interested, and also knowledgeable. The reader is never left behind in this book King always keeps the reader informed when something, even thing smallest aspect, changes. King uses a very unique style of writing. He will write about one character in the first chapter, but he will leave the reader hanging on the edge of their seat, and continue on the next chapter with the story of another character. So every chapter is about something different. Sometimes the next chapter will be happening in the same time period, while others are flashbacks. Even though this might seem confusing in the end everything comes together in the last chapter when Charlie is finally free to live her life on her own with the stress of The Shop chasing after her.


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