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The Dead Zone

Even with all of today’s advance technology, doctors and scientists have not truly understood what a coma is. They know the person suffering from the coma is not dead, but the person is also not capable of interacting with other people or functioning properly. In the novel The Dead Zone, by Stephen King, Johnny Smith goes into a coma for four and a half years after suffering from a car crash while going home late one night. The way Stephen King’s character explains his coma is being in a black tunnel with distant voices at one end and a light at the other. Stephen King used a variety of figurative language to describe how Johnny feels and what is happening in the novel. In the begging of the book, as the plot starts to unwind, King uses a vary descriptive metaphor to describe how the moon looks “Overhead the moon rode the sky, a cold sailor of the night.”(pg 61). This metaphor also uses personification in that it says the moon rode the sky, the moon cannot ride the sky. Another example of how King used figurative language to describe things is “he had reversed time, had become a fetus again, swimming in the placental waters of coma as his brain degenerated.”(pg 71). This quote explains how Johnny has been in a coma so long that he started to become like an unborn baby swimming in its mother’s womb. During the events that take place in the dead zone, King also uses foreshadowing as a method of developing the story. Throughout the prologue, King introduces the character Greg Stillson. In one event Stillson says he is not crazy and that he is meant for greatness. “Whatever his was, he would know it when it came to him.”(pg 9). When Johnny shakes Stillson’s had at an election rally, Johnny sees Stillson being sworn into the president’s position. Thus, still in the prologue, King uses foreshadowing to try and show what might happen In conclusion, of King has quoted that of all the books he has written, he says that The Dead zone is the one he likes the most. He states that this is one of his only books, which has a thick plot. This is a great book, it shows that life is worth living so do not try and end it short.


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