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News Section

April 23, 2005 Entry 16:This is the end of The Happy Family. The site will always be here, I won't update, though. My work is now focused on my new novel. I may put a link on here so you can buy it when it's published. Brotherly Love is also over. Bye.

April 18, 2005 Entry 15:Yes, I didn't update on Saturday. Sorry, there is a really long episode ( 4 pages ) coming out Wednesday. Hope this is good enough comphensation for my forgettedness. Cool word! Brotherly Love was just updated today soyou can check that out.

April 16, 2005:Part 9 not released. Reason is soon to be told.

April 13, 2005:Part 8 released.

April 8, 2005 Entry 14:Yes, I updated like 4 hours early. I see the apocalypse. I am currently really bored and desprate for something to do. I am so excited for my new comic to come out. It will be so awsome. I hope other people will like it a lot along with me so I'm not all alone like I am with this comic. The new set of comics is being displayed on the home page now. These are the last parts that will be released. I am going to have a conclusion but that is just going to be extra pages added on to part 12. I see the end in the near future. Am I sad? Slightly but not really... ...It is going to be replaced with something really awsome. I am starting to think that I should delete Brotherly Love. If kyou actually read it, Email me and I will keep it there and still update it. I know that my new comic will be a good one and it would be nice to think only about that and nothing else. I think that writing these little entries is improving my keyboarding skills!'

April 8, 2005:Part 7 released.

April 8, 2005 Entry 13:I have made two more characters that will be in my upcoming online comic. See those here. The characters are subject to change.

April 7, 2005 Entry 12:You know how my friend is now inspired by me to make his own web comic? Well, he has a sorta preview thingy out. You can check it out here: It isn't officially started yet I don't think. I just got an E-mail from him a few minutes ago telling me he has decided to start his site.

I also have finnished writing all of The Happy Family episodes. There are 13 total. Yes, this comic is going to come to an end toward the middle of May. I am doing this so I can start another comic that is much better. Don't worry though, I will definately still leave this site up when I stop updating. The only differences are: I'm not updating and the animation logo won't say when the updates are anymore. Some people probably think that it's good that I am stopping production of this site because they think that it sucks really bad. Well, I think that it's a good first attempt. The next comic coming out is going to be awsome. I just started production today. Click here to see a sneak peak at the villan and potential main character in the new comic. The new story is going to be horror themed and as of now, it will take place in a mental institute with sadistic nurses and people walking around in straight jackets. Well, when that comes out, you must remember to look at it. BYE.

April 6, 2005 Entry 11:I just released part 6. It's pretty good I guess. I am getting a lot of traffic now. Yesterday, I got like 20 views. That's awsome. I am finally being promoted by the comic directory sites. This site is doing better than my Brotherly Love site. Even though that site is listed in more directories than this one. Well, I guess I don't need to have to tell you to tell your friends about this site anymore! Another really cool thing is that I think that I inspired my best friend to create an online comics site. I think his will be far better than mine. When the site gets created, I will have to give him some pointers on how to attract traffic. I will also put a link here as soon as he starts. Sorry I took so long to get part six out today. When I say I am updating on a certain day, my deadline really is that night at 9. So, remember that. Bye.

April 6, 2005:Part 6 released. Set two added to archives.

April 3, 2005 Entry 10: Hey, check out this new scroll box that I put this news section in. It is awsome. I was up really late last night starting a new comic series. It is called Brotherly Love. Check it out in the Other Productions section at the top of the page. It's really cool. The characters aren't stick figures. They are detailed human beings. Well, have fun with that. April 2, 2005 Entry 9: Yes that's right, I added two parts today. I had to do this so that I could promote my comic. I found a site to promote it and there had to be at least 10 pages of comic available. Therefore, I had to add 4 more pages and I did. There is a link at the bottom of the site to the comic promotion place. Now, part 6 will come out on Wednesday instead of next Saturday. Enjoy the double day. Tell your friends!

April 2, 2005:Parts 4 and 5 are released. Comic starts promotion.

April 1, 2005 Entry 8: Earlier today, I added a new section to the site that will include some different flash movies I make. So far, I have only put one flash animation on it. It is a little movie thing that is from The Ring and when you watch it, you will die in 7 days (not really, but if you do, I am not liable). Have fun with that. There will be more animations added as time progresses. I also made the intro animation not loop so it won't start over again before the redirection. Part 4 comes out tomarrow. Be sure to check that out and have fun reading it. Tell your friends. Bye.

March 31, 2005 Entry 7:I just found out the my friend put a link to my website on his blog. That is good news since he gets some regular traffic. Hopefully this means I will start to get some traffic. I just wrote part 8 last night. It will be a good one. It's kind of climatic but that doesn't mean that the series is going to be ending anytime soon. I already know what part 9 is going to be about. These will hopefully be coming out in a time when people other than me come here. This is the eleventh entry so that means that the first entry won't be on the main page anymore. The only place you will be able to find old entries like that is in the news archives section. Well, you can get to my friends blog here. Talk to you again soon.

March 30, 2005 Entry 6: Sorry, I was kind of late updating today. I accidentally slept in. I hope you like part 3. I think it's really funny. Enjoy.

March 30, 2005: Part 3 released.

March 29, 2005 Entry 5: The amount of visitors to my site has dropped. Make sure that you tell people about this. That's the only way that it is going to be known about. I think that I have finally gotten this site started and running smoothy. That means that there probably won't be news everyday anymore. Thank you. Bye.

March 27, 2005 Entry 4: I just got a site tracker just to see who is coming to this site. It seems to be having immediate success. It is awsome, so many people have seen it in the past two days. I think that about 10 people have come to the site already. I don't even know how some people found out about it, but I hope that they like it and come back for the newly released parts. I finished creating part three a few days ago. I think that part three will definately be the funniest part of the comic yet. Be sure to read that on Wednesday. I hope that this site will continue on and I stay commited to it. I am really going to try hard with it. I have already gotten positive feedback. Fortunately, I haven't gotten any negative feedback. This means that the satifaction of the site is 100% so far. That's pretty good since I haven't had any previous experience with comic creating. Please tell all of your friends about this. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

March 26, 2005 Entry 3:I have officially decided to make the update permanently on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Now you can get you Happy Family twice a week. I am so restless that I couldn't bear waiting a whole week. That is why I decided to change it. I also added some new links to the top of the page. There is a comtact link. I really want some feedback, so please take that into consideration. I also added the archives pages for the news and for the comic parts. Only the 10 most recent news articles and only the 6 most recent comic parts will be displayed on the main page. The others will all be in their appropriate archive pages along with the ones still on the main page. That's your little newsbit of the day.

March 26, 2005: Part two released.

March 25, 2005 Entry 2: I have decided to update on both Saturdays along with Wednesdays. I may permanently do this, so I haven't change the animation at the top of the screen yet. This means that part two will be coming out tomorrow. You should probably read this because it will clear up the stuff that you don't understand about the comic so far.

March 26, 2005 Entry 3:I have officially decided to make the update permanently on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Now you can get you Happy Family twice a week. I am so restless that I couldn't bear waiting a whole week. That is why I decided to change it. I also added some new links to the top of the page. There is a comtact link. I really want some feedback, so please take that into consideration. I also added the archives pages for the news and for the comic parts. Only the 10 most recent news articles and only the 6 most recent comic parts will be displayed on the main page. The others will all be in their appropriate archive pages along with the ones still on the main page. That's your little newsbit of the day.

March 26, 2005: Part two released.

March 25, 2005 Entry 2: I have decided to update on both Saturdays along with Wednesdays. I may permanently do this, so I haven't change the animation at the top of the screen yet. This means that part two will be coming out tomorrow. You should probably read this because it will clear up the stuff that you don't understand about the comic so far.

March 24, 2005 Entry 1: Hello, welcome to The Happy Family website! This is the creator Ryan Alspaugh. I made this comic while being bored in class. Hope you enjoy it. I will come out with a new part to the comic evey Wednesday. It may not be Wednesday morning. It could be sometime in the evening. After all, I have school to attend to. There will be many parts. Only a set of six will be displayed at the top. The part links in bold print are released. The others are on their way. There will be an archives page when needed. Have fun and make sure that you tell all of your friends about this.

March 23, 2005: First part released

March 22, 2005: Site is started to be created.