My mom owns an old, old mill house. To give a sense of the age, my great-grandad was the first in the family to own this property, and it had been standing at least 30 years prior. Odd things had happened off and on for years, things would disappear, then show up where you KNOW you didn't put them lol. Cabinet doors would open, the TV would go off and on by itself, however none of these things were frightening, as many many people had passed in this house and many more were "laid out" there. None of these events felt threatening until..................... Here is the layout of the house. There are 5 bedrooms and 1 bath on the third floor, the second floor contains another bath, 1 bedroom, kitchen, dining room, and living room. The first floor contains another apartment, two beds, bath, kitchen and living room. My grandmother occupied the second floor. She had passed on about 7 months or so before this incident. The only people in the house were my mom, sister and myself. My dad was in the hospital recuperating from a heart attack. Any way to make a long story short, around 3 am my mom beeped me on the intercom < I had FINALLY gotten my own room, on the second floor>we had gotten a cheap system from radio shack lol. When she finally woke me up, she asked me WHY was I walking back and forth in the dining room, to the living room, back and forward. I had no clue what she was talking about, told her I was sleeping its 3am WHY would I do that? her response was SOMEONE IS! I went back to bed, fully awakened, realized what she said, and I don't think I touched the floor or a single stair on the way down lol. At dawn, I got my dog, and started up the front staircase when I noticed the outside door was unlocked, from the INSIDE. I had no key, only my mom did. Darn dog REFUSED to go upstairs, any other time he about broke his neck to go up there lol. Brave ole me went all the way to the third floor carrying an unloaded shotgun rofl. I don't know what I thought I was going to do with it, but I had it lol. I found the doors to all but one room open, and I KNEW they were all closed before this. I opened the closed door to find a circle in the middle of the floor made from what looked like powder. In this circle there were 5 stars. First thing I thought of was a pentagram, however I've yet to see another like this. I was 16 years old at the time and was FREAKED out! It took a long long time before I would sleep up there again...............