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Couple Pictures of the Hill Ward

They are pictures of the Hill Ward or also know as "White House." The place everyone in Washington thinks is the original Western State. All that is left of the Hill ward today is ruins as you can see in my pictures. I have original pictures of the Hill Ward and the farm but they have a copyright on them. I have asked for permission to use the pictures so everyone can see what the original looked like. I will let everyone know when and if I get confirmation to use them. I have a total of 6 original pictures and 2 of them are of the Hill Ward. I am very excited to finally see what the original ward looked like it was much bigger then I expected and looking at the ruins you would never have known how big or what the original shape of the ward was. So hopefully I get permission to put the pictures up on my site.

I am guessing this was the front entrace of the Hill Ward, from the looks of the original picture.

Hospital Cemetery