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Gem Dragon Mating

Notes on the mating habits of Gem Dragons:

Gem Dragons are somwhat like the Pernease dragons in the fact that they have mating flights. However, the female and her Bondmate get to chose if they want an open flight or only on male to catch her. The first time your Gems mate, they do not need a story or anything. The female must send this in, and the information you will need to send in is:

Your name:
Your Gem Dragon's name:
Your Gem Dragon's mate to be name (if there is only one mate):
Male Gem dragon's Bondmate (if you are the Bondmate
to both and they're from different clutches, you can leave this blank):
Bondmate of the male's email (if you left the one before this blank, leave this one too):
Male's name:

In due time, the announcement will be made about the clutch available, and presto! There you have it. If you want a second clutch, then I'd like a litte, one to three paragraph plerp saying why (please make it a good reason, and I'm very liberal about this. A valid reason might be you want to adopt more and there haven't been any clutches lately). And a third and more times require a story. A good one, please. It has to be about the Gem Dragons. It could be how you Bonded a Gem Dragon, or the first mating flight, or a history (something that happened in the past). As long as it's about the aformentioned thought, I don't care. And here's a hint for you all: the better the story, the higher the number of eggs and the more specials there are in it. And if the story is REALLY good, there's a chance to have a type that hasn't been found yet, that may not even be a type of gem!

Rank 1. . . . .5-10 eggs
Rank 210-15 eggs
Rank 315-18 (sometimes 19). . .
Rank 4From 5-25

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