The first thing you must realize is that there is no such thing as the American Nation in actuality. This is not the same assertion as the extreme wackos who claim there is no such thing as a nation-state, this is a statement pointing out that, by the definition of ‘nation’ and of ‘empire’, America is and always has been an empire, not a nation, and the only glue holding together the myth of the American nation has been American nationalism.


Of course, we’ve always been under one government (Discounting the rebellion of the South in the Civil War) ‘Of the people, and for the people,’ but which people?


The idea that there is a group out there called ‘The American People’ is just an offshoot of American Nationalism. There is no one people in the United States – we’re divided by culture, distance, and history, united only by a few actions across the nation. People in Boston and people in Los Angeles come from two widely separate backgrounds, even among the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants.


Even in history, there was a vast, vast difference between the North, the Middle, and the South colonies at the time of the Revolution, differences that were the direct result, less than a hundred years later, of the Civil War.


However, this is not to say that there is no such thing as the American nation. Because of American Nationalism, something that started out as a false idea, but then grew, we have the idea of the reality of the American nation implanted in minds of those who matter, the ‘people’ of the ‘nation’.


When it comes to the intangible, the un-quantifiable, perception rules over reality. It can be considered as the same argument as a combination of faith and science, where faith begins where science fails to explain. There is no atom of ‘evil’, no particle of ‘beauty’, no element of ‘good’ that science can find, and then place on the periodic table. Or any table.


Yet, because people perceive things to have evil, perceive things to be beautiful, perceive things to be good, their perception alters their reality, and those things are evil, they are beautiful, they are good. It is this perception altering the reality of the intangible that gives life and form to the American nation.


People believe we are one people, that we are one nation, that we are united in culture and history – that distance matters not. Therefore, we are one nation, we are united in culture, and we do share a common history.


We are one nation because we are united in culture and share a common history.


That is American Nationalism. That is the lie believed by those who live in American that gives life – and truth – to the lie of the American Nation.


That is what is under attack, and has been for as long as I have been alive, if not longer. There are forces at work that are attacking American culture, and attacking American nationalism, in an attempt to destroy the American nation, leaving behind only the American government – the empire that we really are, but believe we are not.


To what goal, I don’t know. To what purpose, I do not know. However, there is a definite combination of an attempt to discredit the American Government as well as the American Nation, leaving behind a land of people who do not identify with people from another region, and do not trust or follow their government.


In short, a land ripe for civil war, the falling apart, and the destruction of the state of America. Why any person or group that would have power in America would want to destroy it, I cannot fathom, but the signs of their actions are there.


This is not speculation based upon facts, this is not a work of fiction, this is an analysis of what is going on in this nation, and, truthfully, a call to arms. I’m from California, a state where the citizens can put anything they want up to be voted on, called the Initiative, and even force a recall of elected state officials prior to the end of their term of office. We have a long tradition of local radio talk shows that get right into the fray, and aren’t afraid to take flak for taking a stand on issues.


So maybe when I say we need to take back our government, I have experienced a state that is better prepared to do so than most. But we all must make the attempt to take back our governments, to take back our nation, and to protect it.


I’m a firm believer of American Nationalism, even though I know it is a lie. I believe it in because it exists, and while it’s a circular argument, its true that American Nationalism exists because it is believed in.


I am not a Liberal. I am not a Conservative. I am not a Progressive. I am not a Libertarian. I am neither Left, nor Right, nor up or down. What I am, is just someone who sees what is happening, someone who sees a truth being forced upon us all that will not set us free, and feels he must speak out against it.


I am an American Nationalist, and proud to be an American.