interoffice memorandum

to:                 Ms Stroh

from:        Henry Thiel

subject:     5 Point Rubrick for grading

date:        1/10/2005

cc:        Meaghan walker; Cris James; Gavin Richards; Ji lee; Jon Chua

I would like to point out an apparent flaw in the use of a five point rubrick for ‘point grading’, or the usage of points to determine a percentage grade.

These are, to my knowledge, two separate systems, and are not quite compatible. I would like to draw attention to the fact that 3 points out of five points translates to a .6 or 60%, while on a five point rubric, a 3 is labeled ‘average’. Average, according to the point system, is usually a range of 69.9% through 79.8%.

I believe that the inconsistency in the two systems is evident from the previous paragraph, and is proof of an inherent flaw of directly merging both the five point rubric and the point percentage system for grading. People who are doing average work are being marked average on the rubric, but are being graded as if he had a D.

This is rather hurting peoples grades, and may have contributed to the low grades in this class.

Thank you for your time.

                              Henry Thiel

                                          Human Resources