My Old(some very) Updates. Page made on 12/17/99

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1-20-01 Ben: Well, Alot's happened since the last update. Planetarion fell, EmpireQuest rose, and I got caught in the thick of it.

Bengaley: You can say that again.

TMBengaley: Ypu.

TM2Bengaley: Uhhuh.

TM3Aldrian: I want war.


Bengaley- Short war.

Henry T.-Yeah.


Bengaley- Heh. Looks like we got a news service....

Henry T.- Casted by my clone, your Typoe, Wayne Brady, and a guy with several names that start with J called Jay, and Captain Cohen coughing on all the dust, while doing traffic.

You- Sounds like a rip-off of KABC and Whose Line is it anyway.

Bengaley- Yeah, Captain Horhay, ro whatever the speeling.

Henry T- Who?

TM Bengaley- Try listening to the radio.

Bengaley- TM Bengaley? never met you before.

TM2 Bengaley- We never met you, either.

Jack Blake- Hey, you guys.

John Blake- Heyho.

TM3 Aldrian- Hello everyone.


Henry T- Well, it looks like we'll have tons of help when we actualy start fighting....

You- Wha-? Fighitng? WHO?

Bengaley- Chris S. We are going to start Web War One.

All- WEB WAR ONE??????????????

Aldrian- Theres going to be more? *eyes sparkle*

Bengaley- Hopefully....

You- So, how is this going to start?

Henry T- Like this......

*From the recently conquered country of Mexico, several UMSIIWCMs, or Ultra Mega Super Isometal Ionic Web Cruise Missles, are launched. Their target: Star Base 601.*

You-*makes an emergancy transmission to Star Base 601, warning them of teh WCMs incoming....*


Bengaley- Damn, its a improvement, but this is taking to long between updates!

Henry T.- You're telling me! You wont belive how much dust I collected between updates!


Marsh-DIE!!!!*zap zap*


Jack Blake- It seems that Marsh has killed the last pokemon in teh PCU...

Marsh- Already?

Bengaley- Its been about three fourths of a year.

Marsh- WHAT???!!!???

Johnathan Blake- *meekly* You were having fun....we didn't dare stop you...

You- Um....okay.....Right....


You- Yeah, I'm back. Got board waiting for Chris S to update. <p>Bengaley- He updated a while ago.

You- Yup. I know. Waited for something more, but nothing.

Jack Blake- Hmm.....I wonder where Captain Cohen went?

Marsh- Who?

Henry T.- A character who was created LONG after you went into the PCU. Like John and Jack Blake.

Marsh- .....O.O.....How long was I in there again?


Its been a long time since I actually did a real update to this site. (^_^)'. Anyways, I finaly managed to ID the music, its Unicrons theme from the Transformers Movie! Total Neatness!
Bengaley>*grumbles a bit* Why didn't you update the site sooner...
Well, Bengaley, cause I've been busy.......
Holy Man-Busy as hell! I would put sarcasm tags on, but they would be read as HTML!

Music is up, and going. DO not attmpt to ask me what it is, I D/Led it a long time ago. Also, I have a new Cometzone curser, its of the Planet Lanquass! Coolness! Also, I have a new messaageboard....GO THERE. Alsom everyone meet Lord of Light. He's a new character.

Okay, this time, I do have some music going! This is an actuall update! But I have a lot more links to do, more boards to put up....But if you want your own Lanquassian E-Mail address, click on the link below!

This time, I might have some music running, but I am not quite sure...As I have yet to upload it. But I will do it ASAP. BTW, the date is now 5/18/00.

Okay, I think we have some music running now....Thank you Chris S. for the tech help!

You>My god! You are actually updating? This is a miricle!

Ben Cohen(COA)>Not really. We just got tired of just leting it lie around.

You>Whats that at the end of your name?

Bengaley(601)Well, there are so many of us running around, our creator decided that he would tag our universe on the end of our names, so you would know where we came from.

You>Really? And this helps me....How?

Bengaley(COA)Look at the list.


All>Okay, this update is not over, as We are still working on it. We will post another one after we are done.

*Note:Sign the guest book!


You:*walks in* My god!! You're updating!!

Henry T: You bet we are!!

Bengaley:Not much being updated, though....

Ben Cohen: At least it's an update...

Henry T: Anyway, we have updated the links section of the site.


Creator:*To charecters and visiters*

All right people, I want this place ship shape, and ready to help in the assult against Sly!

Bengaley:Sir? I thought that the Iono-

Creator:Sly has declared civil war.

Henry T.: Cool!! I finally get to kick that ****** around!!

Creator:*almost explodes with anger*


Henry T.: Oh.


Henry T.: SILENCE!!*zaps Bengaley(FFEW)


Creator: *Clears throught* And with this ship shaping up, ther will be a lot of changes. Also, the site is above 100 hits. number 105 has been Ided, but we have no clue who #100 is. If you are #100, go here and post.

Bengaley: Who did you do that?


Bengaley:Insert that link!

It's easy. See?

Bengaley: I still don't get it.


Henry T.:Hello, and welcome to..

*pauses dramticly* BENGALEY'S PAGE!!!

You: I don't get it. If you're in charge, why isn't the page called Henry T.s page or something like that?

*Walls rumble*

Errie voice: Because Bengaley is my online name! Thats why!

Kanami(From sim):Oh, Hi Henry!

Eriie Voice:That is untollerable!!

Bengaley: Please, please, All this arguing is frightenig our guest!

*everyone stares at You...*

You:Um...get on with the updates....

Bengaley: Right. Well, I'm-

Henry T.:HE'S...

Bengaley:All right, all right. My creator is writting a book, and the prologue is up. currently it is all there is.

Also, the site is almost at 100 hits!! If you see 100 or 105 on the counter, go to my message board(Go to the air field and go to city of angels) and post it!!

Thats all!!

Everyone: Goodnight everyone!

1/1/00 All: Happy New Year!! Bengaley: *pulls out horn, the type they give away at Disneyland* *blows horn*

Ben T Cohen: Were'd ya get the horn, little boy blue?

Bengaley: Disneyland.

Henry T.: You mean my bomb didn't go off?

You: You planted a bomb?

Henry T.:Chris S. Helpped.

Chris S.: *from Station 601**to John as he informs them were Bengaley was the the day before*:You mean my bomb didn't go off?

Henry T.: Well at least I am not alone.

You: *yawn* So whats new, pussy-cat?

Bengaley: *growls*!!

You: Chill!

Henry T.: Well, in a while the News section will be up. And we found out that Y2K was a myth. Thats about it.

Goodbye everybody!!


Henry: Jeez, I have to do an update today as well?

Bengaley: You looked suprised. You are the one who did the actuall update.

Henry:*sighs* You're right.

You: Hello? Am I supposed to be here?

Everyone here:FINALY! A VISITOR!

You: Uhoh.......

Henry: Tackle him and make sure he doesn't get away!

*Ben Cohen and Ben G. of FF of EW tackle you*

Henry: And hold him there!

Bengaley: *rolls eyes* The update, Henry?

Henry: Oh yes! The Air Field is complete! Go there!

You: Thats it? I'm going over to Station 601! They have better updates than this!

Chris: YES!

Henry T: *Zaps Chris*

Chris: Hey! That hurt! You know, Marsh really wants to come visit you again........

You: That tears it! If it's not one Meglomaniac, It's another!*runs away screaming*


Henry T.:Hi, I'm Henry T., your host.

Chris: What happened to Bengaley?

Henry T.:Nothing, actually. I am his creator. It got wearysome trying to do it the old way, plus I was running out of people to use for my updates.

Bengaley *enters room**looks at Henry T.* *as weatherman* And it looks like we are in for a long meglomaniacle storm, and looks like it will be over as soon as I kick him out.*goes over to Henry T. and tries to throw him out.

Chris: I wouldn't do that if I were you.....

Narriator: Tune in next time for the exciting conclusian!

Henry T. and Bengaley:Hold on! I haven't done updaes yet!

Bengaley:Alow me.

Henry:Sure. It is your last.

Bengaley:*looks at Henry* Riiight.. Anyway, nothing much new has been done. But there is a chatroom at my other site. There is a link there. And thats it.

All: Goodbye Everyone!!!!


Bengaley rushes into the room.

Bengaley:Hey everyone! Guess what!

Chris:You finally got Simon to the vet?

Chris S.:You finally got ME to the vet?

Ben Cohen:You finally posted on your own sim?

Bengaley: No! I got my net connection fixed!

Compaq and Net Zero technicians:FINALLY!

Bengaley from FF of EW: What was the problem?

Bengaley:My phone line!



Belive me!








Chris: You just LOOOVE your blank spaces, don't you?






Bengaley:Hi everyone! I have added more to the Pokemon haters pages, check it out!


Bengaley:Don't knock it before you try it.


WHAT HAPPENED! It looks like everyone in the world went to the PCU...except you. Better go there....And while your here, check out my new downloads section!


Look at my new PCU!

Oh oh, looks like Marsh is all ready there....

12/11/99 Lets get rolling! I now have a poll!


OKAY! I have fixed the link problem, and have polished up my pages a bit, and will get to work as soon as possible, and maybe make my page as great as my friends, who say they suck at html coding. Well, so do I, and none of what you see would have been possible without Homepage Building Help, and HTML BASIC EXAMPLES! and maybe I'll do my updates the way Chris does his...*Dreamily* Someday...*sigh*. Well, back to work. As for now, I have to get the page up and running. Check out the SIMS section! be honest, The sims section is the only one running right now, but enjoy! The (Mis)Manegment.


I have updated the page, and very soon I will have all of my links working, and while my page will never be completed(Who can say that their page is final, and no more updates. I plan to kepp improving my page until I can Improve no more.) it might get out of UNDER CONSTRUCTION status soon. Ben.

11/28/99 Hello, and welcome to my site. This site is currently under construction, and needs ALOT of work. If you want to contact me, go to my messageboards and do it there. And while you are there, Look at my Message board messages. And don't expect anything to be really updated very soon, as I have about 23 things to do. But there will be updates, hopefully in a few days. Well...See ya then. Bengaley.