After the cataclysmic fall of the Empire of Turim and the original Suami Civilization, the world lie in ruins. Only the survivors from Suami and Turim lived on. The Elves were decimated, and retreated to the remote city of Cor Highwind, last bastian of the True Magic. The Dwarves also fell back, and went to a place they could call home and work their great cities and smithies underground.Technology and Magic both declined during the fall until the establishment of the Second Suamic Empire, or the Empire of Turim, and even then, did not increase in a measureable way until Contact with the New Republic was made...
Majir Dorina, The Integerium of Turim
Welcome to the World of Turim, a RPG World created by Lamplighter Games. World of Turim takes place after a cataclysm in the distant past, and after the long Integnerum between the Old World and the New World. Created and based on a map drawn by creator Henry Thiel, The World of Turim is one of several projects Lamplighter Games is currently working on.
January 6, 2003:
Lamplighter Games takes official control over World of Turim, updating the website and starting a Developer's Notebook. More information to come.LLG | More about Turim | Homepage | About