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[ Switch to Pris. Outside J. F. Sebastians's apartment building. Covers herself in trash pile. ]

Pris: Pugh... Uhhh... Ungh... Ungh...

Sebastian: Hey! You forgot your bag.

Pris: I'm lost.

Sebastian: Don't worry, I won't hurt you. [ pause ] What's your name?

Pris: Pris.

Sebastian: Mine's J. F. Sebastian.

Pris: Hi.

Sebastian: Hi. Oh, where were you going? Home?

Pris: I don't have one. We scared each other pretty good, didn't we?

Sebastian: We sure did.

Pris: I'm hungry J. F.

Sebastian: I've got some stuff inside. You want to come in?

Pris: I was hoping you'd say that.

[ Pris and Sebastian enter building. ]

Pris: Do you live in this building all by yourself?

Sebastian: Yeah, I live here pretty much alone right now. No housing shortage around here. Plenty of room for everybody. [ pause ]

Pris: [ cough ].

Sebastian: Watch out for the water.

Pris: Must get lonely here J. F.

Sebastian: Hmm... Not really. I make friends. They're toys. My friends are toys. I make them. It's a hobby. I'm a genetic designer. Do you know what that is?

Pris: No.

Sebastian: Now... Oh... [ Lets Pris into apartment first ] Yoo-hoo, home again.

Kaiser and Bear: Home again, home again, jiggity jig. Good evening J. F.

Sebastian: Good evening, fellas.

Kaiser: [ Bumps into wall ] Oooh!

Sebastian: They're my friends. I made them. Where are your folks?

Pris: I'm sort of an orphan.

Sebastian: Oh, what about your friends?

Pris: I have some, but I have to find them. I'll let 'em know where I am tomorrow.

Sebastian: Oh. Can I take those things for you? They're soaked aren't they?

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