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Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen. Taffey Lewis presents Miss Salome and the snake. Watch her take the pleasures from the serpent that once corrupted man.

[ Miss Salome's dressing room. ]

Male voice repeated in background: Oi, Aremiroya! Nanka hen-na mon nokocchattaze. [ Japanese for: "Hey, look! Something strange has been left." ]

Female voice repeated in background: Ha. Darekakara no purezento. [ Japanese for: "Wow. It's a present from someone." ]

Deckard: Excuse me, Ms. Salome, can I talk to you for a minute? I'm from the American Federation of Variety Artists.

Zhora: Oh, yeah?

Deckard: I'm not here to make you join. No ma'am. That's not my department. Actually, uh. I'm from the, uh, Confidential Committee on Moral Abuses.

Zhora: Committee of Moral Abuses?

Deckard: Yes, ma'am. There's been some reports that the management has been taking liberties with the artists in this place.

Zhora: I don't know nothing about it.

Deckard: Have you felt yourself to be exploited in any way?

Zhora: How do you mean, exploited?

Deckard: Well, like to get this job. I mean, did you do, or-- or were you asked to do anything that's lewd or unsavory or otherwise, uh, repulsive to your person, huh?

Zhora: Ha. Are you for real?

Deckard: Oh yeah. I'd like to check your dressing room if I may.

Zhora: For what?

Deckard: For, uh, for holes.

Zhora: Holes?

Deckard: Well you -- you'd be surprised what a guy'd go through to get a glimpse of a beautiful body.

Zhora: No, I wouldn't.

Deckard: Little, uh, dirty holes they, uh, drill in the wall so they can watch a lady undress. [ pause ] Is this a real snake?

Zhora: Of course it's not real. Do you think I'd be working in a place like this if I could afford a real snake? [ pause ] So if somebody does try to exploit me, who do I go to about it?

Deckard: Me.

Zhora: You're a dedicated man. Dry me.

[ Fight and chase ]

Male voice repeated in background: Oi, Aremiroya! Nanka hen-na mon nokocchattaze. [ Japanese for: "Hey, look! Something strange has been left." ]

Female voice repeated in background: Ha. Darekakara no purezento. [ Japanese for: "Wow. It's a present from someone." ]

Hari Krishnas: Hari, Hari. Hari, Hari. Hari, Hari.

Street Sign: Cross now... Don't walk...

Deckard: Move! Get out of the way!

[ Deckard fires. Kills Zhora in slow motion scene. Leon watches Deckard from the street. ]

Deckard (voice-over): The report would be routine retirement of a replicant which didn't make me feel any better about shooting a woman in the back. There it was again. Feeling, in myself. For her, for Rachael.

Deckard: Deckard. B two-sixty-three fifty-four.

Street Sign: Move on...

Saleslady: A minute. Yeah what do you want?

Deckard: Tsing tao. This enough?

Saleslady: Yeah.

Gaff: Bryant.

Bryant: Christ, Deckard, you look almost as bad as that skin job you left on the sidewalk.

Deckard: I'm going home.

Bryant: You could learn from this guy Gaff. He's a god damn one man slaughter house. That's what he is. Four more to go. Come on Gaff, let's go.

Deckard: Three. There's three to go.

Bryant: There's four. That-- That-that skin job that you V-K'ed at the Tyrell Corporation, Rachael. Disappeared. Vanished. Didn't even know she was a replicant. Something to do with a brain implant says Tyrell. Come on Gaff. Drink some for me, huh, pal.

[ Deckard sees Rachael across the street, and chases after her. Leon stops Deckard in the street ]

Deckard: Leon.

Leon: How old am I?

Deckard: [ Punches Leon ] I don't know.

Leon: [ Throws Deckard against wall ] My birthday is April 10, 2017. How long do I live?

Deckard: Four years.

[ Leon throws Deckard against another wall. Deckard pulls out his gun, but Leon immediately knocks it away. ]

Leon: More than you.

[ Leon swings and misses Deckard, but punches a hole in a steam generator. ]

Leon: Painful to live in fear, isn't it?

[ Leon tosses Deckard down on his back. ]

Leon: Nothing is worse than having an itch you can never scratch.

Deckard: Oh, I agree.

[ Leon picks Deckard up by the collar, and slaps him across the face. ]

Leon: Wake up! Time to die.

[ Leon gets ready to gouge out Deckard's eyes... But, Rachael pops some lead into his cranium ]

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