The Love Test

The love test is a fun way of knowing if 2 people are compatitble with each other. Our unique love tester is always right. Only put in the first and last name. If a middle name is included, that couple will be given an unfair advantage. Results to many common Buffy fans are below
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Results in order of best to worst

These answers will boggle your mind. Were Buffy and Angel real soulmates? Is Xander and Anya's relationship only physical or does it have some meaning? Is Willow better off with Tara?

Rupert Giles + Joyce Summers
Willow Rosenberg + Daniel Osborne- 95%
Alexander Harris + Willow Rosenberg- 84%
Cordelia Chase + Doyle- 80.5%
Daniel Osborne = Veruca- 80%
Buffy Summers + Scott Hope- 78.5%
Buffy Summers + Rupert Giles- 77.5%
Rupert Giles + Jenny Calendar- 77%
Rupert Giles + Olivia- 71%
Buffy Summers + Angelus- 70%
Buffy Summers + Riley Finn- 68.5%
Buffy Summers + Alexander Harris- 65.5%
Willow Rosenberg + Tara- 60%
Alexander Harris + Cordelia Chase- 55%
Buffy Summers + Parker Abrhams- 46.5%
Alexander Harris + Anyanka- 28.5%
Angelus + Faith- 15%