-----NAME----- | ---IMAGE--- | --EXP-- | ------------DESCRIPTION----------- |
Poison Lilly | EXP=10,49,100 | Not a problem for Androids, everyone else should kill this as soon as possible. | |
NAR LILLY (rare) | EXP=150,259,380 | A rare variety of the above enemy. Tougher to kill.. | |
Evil Shark | EXP=10,49,100 | The sharks are the most numerous enemies in caves. There main tactic is to surround you. | |
Pal Shark | EXP=12,52,104 | A more powerful variation of the shark, same tactics, just tougher. | |
Guil Shark | EXP=14,55,108 | The final mutation and the most powerful. | |
Grass Assasin | EXP=17,60,114 | This enemy can be a big problem. It can freeze you in the middle of room full of enemies. | |
Nano Dragon | EXP=15,57,110 | The biggest threat in caves. The only good thing about this enemy is that it seems to hate its own kind as much as you. | |
Pofuilly Slime | EXP=10,49,100 | Not a threat if dispatched correctly. | |
Pouilly Slime | EXP=150,259,380 | A red mutation of the normal slime, its rareness usually means a good reward. | |
Pan Arms | EXP=6,26,62 | A powerful enemy, almost invunerable when combined. If you kill pan arms when it splits into Mijium and Hidoom you will get more EXP. | |
De Rol Le | EXP=700, 2500, 4700 | The end of level Boss. Learn its routine and this boss wont be a problem. Beat it and you may get a Parasite wear armour.. | |