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Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 20:42:12 -0400
From: "David Rosignoli"
Subject: [FG]: Gravity capacitor testing
Reply To: "David Rosignoli"

We have almost finished building 1 tin-wax grav-cap device. Unfortunately, the 50V-6kV power supply that we were going to use seems to be dead. However, I took measurements of a much smaller layer grav cap. It was composed of 18 Al foil electrodes, with 17 wax sheet layers (2 wax sheets/layer), but some wax sheets on the ends. The end piece was just some kind of wood/cardboard-like material. The whole thing was sandwiched together with 8 nylon bolts.

The capacitance measured using a handheld capacitance meter was 0.027uF. What I found was that the wax paper experienced voltage breakdown somewhere in the range of 500V to 1000V. The punch through was seen on 2 metal electrodes, and 4(?) wax paper electrodes. And, yes, the spark went right through the metal foil. It left a noticeable charring on the wax paper. (BTW, the entire device was hung by nylon from a wood plank. No motion was observed.)

The moral here is this: if you are going to use a DC power supply, use a low voltage one, preferably no larger than 300V, to give you ample margin when operating with wax paper. I still have to try the Van de Graaf generator.

Hello everyone!

I've done some research.

The time zone name "EET" in the emails from the anonymous fellow that allegedly have replicated the "Electric Rocket", suggests that he lives in Eastern Europe

Why is this important, you may ask?

Well, I've tried to find out what kind of wax paper that exist nowadays. In the 1930's, wax paper was probably not the same stuff you now get your beef wrapped in at the butcher's, but rather something with a much thicker layer of wax. And one of the countries where they still produce this old-fashioned wax paper is Poland. And Poland's time zone is EET. Maybe this guy is building the device with old-fashioned, thick, wax paper [N.B: a thick wax layer is just mere speculation from my side]

As for the tin foil, I really liked Mitchell Jones' simple jigsaw idea to cut the tin foil between two pieces of board! And to cut my wax paper, I'll order a cheap (the equivalent of USD 60 .. 70) custom-made punch tool (used in sticker production), place the wax paper on a flat surface, place the tool on top and hit it with a small club, and voilą!

I also vaguely recall a discussion in some forum where someone pressed on the importance of the capacitor having a tapering geometry, i.e. a truncated cone (this tapering geometry also correlates with T. T. Brown.) So, I've called a couple of laser & water cutting shops, and one of them now has some 0.2mm tin foil to play with. They (Bystronic) say their software can cut each piece different from the one before, if I give them a drawing and a scaling algorithm. The same technique could of course be used for the wax paper. [btw, I didn't contact the Swiss company Bystronic directly, but a local shop that use their equipment - Bystronic produce both laser & water cutters, and both machines use the same NC software!]

Who knows, maybe a tapering version might prove to be more effective. Unless our eastern european fellow is a hoaxer. Hope not.


Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 08:55:20 -0500
From: "Bruce A. Perreault"
Subject: Re: "Grav-cap" is a F/E oscillator?
Organization: Nu Energy Horizons
Reply To:

> > On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, Rymel wrote:

> if it does create ultrasound, wouldn't that account for his strange headaches and such? i remember Bruce saying something about ultrasound damaging the brain

I invented a device back in the early 1980s that used my scull as a speaker-cone. The idea was to hear music from all directions. This device resonated my head mostly in the audio range. I experienced wide emotion swings and experinced had a cob-web type effect. I felt cob-webs beween my fingers. Since this experience I am careful of exposing myself to strong acoustic energy.


It would be nice if this device doesn't emit some sort of weird, harmful radiation. We don't want to become Marie Curie, and instantly doom ourselves just by turning it on, not realizing that we will die in a few decades from some kind of new cancer.

There is a good book written by Eve Curie, Madame Curie's daughter, called "MADAME CURIE a biography by Eve Curie 1938. In this book you will find documented medical records that indicate that Madame Curie did not die of radiation poisen. In fact, her husband Piere do not die of exposure to radiation either... he was struck down by a horse drawn buggy and killed!


Don't believe government propaganda... seek the truth in all things.

-Bruce A. Perreault

Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 12:51:03 -0800 (PST)
From: William Beaty
Subject: Re: "Gravity capacitor" WORKS????
Reply To:

On Thu, 23 Mar 2000 wrote: Not exactly. Read up on the Biefield-Brown (sp?) effect. According to this theory (I can't seem to find my references, so some of the details may be wrong, but not the general idea), a charged capacitor (made from 2 flat plates parallel to each other) will produce a directional force

But the added layers don't add to the directional charge or to the directional e-field inside. Only if the layers had alternating thicknesses would there be any asymmetry within the stack.

This is symmetrical:


This is not:

+- +- +- +- +- +- +- +- +- +

So the real question is, why can't TWO plates lift a 6KG mass, since the force from the rest of the plates should sum to zero if the effect comes from normal electrostatics.

Weird speculation: It has something to do with the cellulose in the wax paper. Cellulose is chiral, no? Maybe any conductor would work, but the dielectric must only be wax paper.

Another: it has something to do with ionized air and corona currents, and if it was immersed in oil, it would never work again. Or if it was pumped down and then immersed in some other gas besides N2/O2, it would give very different thrust.

Another: it doesn't depend on polarity, instead the thrust randomly adopts a certain direction when the capacitor is first activated, but then it "sticks" that way because the material has become gravitationally biased or spiralled or something. If the polarity is then reversed, the thrust does then reverse.

Idea: print the electrode pattern onto paper with conductive ink (powered tin?), then glue the papers alternately with layers of wax paper to form a very solid stack.

Idea: power the thing with a DuLuc Drypile electrostatic battery.

Make arrays of little electrode rings, encapsulate it, then charge it up and seal it. Then, if the device was sawed in half, each half would still lift? It's a way to make "Upsidasium", the antigravity mineral featured in an episode of Rockey and Bullwinkle. Build a floating antigravity island using bricks of paper/carbon/glue, from which to organize your mad scientist empire. Yes, Pinky, we can use it to RULE THE WORLD!!!!


William J. Beaty

Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 12:28:05 -0800 (PST)
From: William Beaty
Subject: Re: "Gravity capacitor" WORKS????
Reply To:

On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, patrick tremblay wrote:

> How can a symmetrical capacitor with no special shape or form have an > intricate antigravity force ? It store a lot of energy, but has no > special form that would show us there would be a force greater in one > direction, that thing is completely symmetrical.

Yes, this is the main reason why I never built one of these myself. The idea appears silly! However, it contains one big positive feature: it basically says "I stumbled across this weird effect, here's how to replicate." This is totally different than the typical crackpot project, where somebody has delerious visions, builds a device, then (probably) fools themselves into thinking that it is real. It reeks of ego-driven self-dishonesty. If the gravity-capacitor is just a hoax, it is an "honest" hoax, and not an example of Pathological Science in action.

> who succeded with this capacitor, I'd like to contact him.

He wishes to remain anonymous until others manage to duplicate the effect. I don't blame him. (No, I don't know anything about him except his email address.)

William J. Beaty

Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 21:37:47 -0800 (PST)
From: William Beaty
Subject: Re: "Gravity capacitor" WORKS????
Reply To:

On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, Rymel wrote:

> i couldn't find a place to find TIN foil. otherwise i would've tried...

I found that tin can be bought from dental supply houses. I think my spool was about $40US, for maybe a quarter pound of .003" (which I've since given away to someone for another experiment! Rats!)

> can i get the same effect with aluminum?

Who knows? The paper says that aluminum won't work, but that might just be because of the soldering problem.

Since this new claim mentions that there's thrust even from one group of plates (1/13th of the entire stack), then a pendulum test should easily show this. Build a small one with just a handfull of plates. Stick it in a plastic bag to eliminate any corona wind, then see if it deflects sideways when charged.

One important thing about this newest claim: he is moving his equipment out to a separate workshop instead of his basement, because he became sick while working on the device, and is convinced that this was no conincidence.

Didn't somebody become sick while messing with the "Gravity Resonance Coil" back in the old Keelynet BBS days?

Interesting that both of these supposedly create bad bio-effects, AND both of these claimed to have gravity/electromag effects.

If the 6KG thrust is real, and if it will thrust horizontally as he says, then any number of free energy devices can be based on this effect. Since the thrust continues after the charging supply is removed, the device will behave like a "gravity permanent magnet", and if low-leakage dielectric is used, there is no reason that it need ever stop working. Also note: the DuLuc Drypile can ring a tiny electrostatic "Franklin bell" for centuries. It can be used to "top off" any high voltage capacitor. The end result could be an epoxy block that falls UP. Or a solid wheel which speeds up if not clamped to the earth. (Sounds like other gravity inventions, eh?)

If this is real, then my gut feeling is that it involves something like ether-pumping. Or more likely, dark-matter pumping. If there is an inward flow of exotic material taking place everywhere on earth, and if there are simple ways to dip a "paddle" into this flow, then many things make perfect sense. Also, the peak energy might not be dangerously high, if the "flow" itself only contains a certain amount of energy. It would be bad luck if free energy devices were attainable, yet they liberated H-bomb levels of energy in each cubic millimeter of their active volume. We want to make the equivalent of a "home windmill," and not have the whole earth scoured bare by liberating billion-MPH "windstorms."

i tried to find the guy's house, since i live on staten island, but the name isn't in the phone book. worth a try to find his old work, no?

As the note on says, somebody on FREENRG-L tracked him down years ago. He had died in a car crash.

William J. Beaty