Who is 007? A friend of mine asked me that once. (He has since changed the structure of the question to "Who is James Bond?") Of course, I first looked at him like he had completely lost his mind! His objective was to claim that you could tell how old someone was by the answer they gave.

Come to find out, he was correct. Anyone who grew up in the 60's will most likely say Sean Connery. Where as someone who grew up in the 70's may say Roger Moore. Today, your average teenager (and I've asked) will say Pierce Brosnan. Most teenagers today associate Sean Connery with his recent movies like "Entrapment" and "The Rock." I had one such teenager so adamently insist that Sean Connery was NEVER 007 that I had to walk her to the video secton of a department store to prove it to her!

Although 007 has been portrayed by many people. He is always a man of unique contradictons deeply devoted to the British Secret Service. Dashing and debonair, always a consumate gentleman but carrying a license to kill! Argueably the most versatile action hero in world literature.

As times have changed...so has 007. His Aston martin has given way to the BMW. Q Section has new gadgets for every occaision and his Walther PPK may soon give way to the new model Walther PK99.

It was the cold war that first created 007. But old enemies have forged new alliances and the new world order still struggles to keep the peace. Somewhere in the world...a villanous plot is afoot and one man will be called upon to rise to the challenge. ......007 has always been...and will always be......