Cut and Paste Tutorial

Cut and Pasting Instructions for PC

Highlight the URL (web address) with your mouse. Once you have highlighted the URL, hold down the CTRL key and hit your letter C key to copy the highlighted area.

Open an Internet browser window and click in the Address or Location field. Make sure the cursor is blinking then delete anything that is already in there. Hit CTRL + V to paste the URL into the address field. Once you have entered and looked over the URL, hit the Enter key on your keyboard and the graphic will appear. Right click with your mouse to download the graphic. Most people store graphics temporarily in their "My Documents" folder.

Cut and Paste for webtv

Click on the link you want. When the graphic appears, hit your GO TO button. click down to SHOW LAST and hit enter. The address will appear in the browser window. Hold down the CMD key and hit your letter A key once. This will highlight the address. Then Hit your letter C key once. This will cut the address so you can paste it into your HTML code or transloader. To paste, make sure your cursor is blinking in the desired position. Then, hold down your CMD key and hit your letter V key. This will paste the address or text wherever you want it

Check out my Web Tv Cmds Page for more keyboard commands for cut and pasting and other keyboard shortcuts!

Be sure to visit my Webtv user page for transloader instructions and other cool webtv stuff!