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Looks like you people were really capable of finding this place...

that or you cheated and looked threw the source of my home page. either way, you made it here. This place will have my thoughts, pains, and everything in between.

Lets start with my feelings; not too long ago i met someone really great, you'd know of her as Lilith(not using her real full name is the last nice thing i do for her)(and those of u who dont know me yet, despite when people screw me over, i always do one last thing for them thats nice... call it good karma). Anyway, i met her a few years back, and sense then, i've had a bit of a crush on her, but i always kept my options open. Anywho, i got allong with her quite well, and we seemed to have quite a bit in common, or @least thats what i gathered. Over a period of a few months, i talked to her less and less. Seeing as a dance was coming up, i figured i'd ask her to it, we could catch up, and things would be coolies again. So i took a bus to as close to her place as possible(im not exactly driving yet, not because i can't its just the lack of free time) So i walked like 6 blocks; which by the way, it was exceptionally cold out, and the weather was a mix of hail and rain. So anyway, once i got there, i found out that i had just missed her, and she wouldnt be back for a few hours. So rather than risk the flowers (which by the way were exceptionally beautiful) getting messed up on the long-ass voyage to my grandparents place that was more than a few miles away, i left the flowers there, allong with a card, and my number. I didnt end up hearing from her till monday the following week; which by the way i had to call her. Personally, it sucks being shot down, but to not even have the heart to call and say no, i think thats just total bullshit. So anyway, i talk to her, get shot down, and i hav yet 2 speak to her sense then. Oh yeah, just so everyone knows, i ended up going to the dance solo, and she didnt even show. So i got shot down for nothing.

Now let me get to the fun part, recently, my trusted friend (who would NEVER lie to me) informed me that she was saying all kinds of horrible things about me behind my back. Now, i'm not exactly sure, but if someone is nice to you, and is there when you need advice, doesn't that make them a friend? And doesn't it also mean that stabbing them in the back isnt a good thing? Well, i guess the world i'm from is full of monsters, evil creatures that go around being helpful, and doing nice things.

Please, someone tell me why exactly i deserved to be hurt. You have 3 ways of doing it below, this hidden guest book, the hidden poll, or via email.


Scarlet Ghost

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