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Molly Sarah

Name: Molly Sarah
Nickname: Mol, Molison, Sweet Pea, Bubbles, Peanut
Birthday: April 8 (Aries)
Other Stuff: Even though Molly is 10 years old, she is amazingly smart. (Oh ... Stupid me!) Molly enjoys Pokemon, especially Mew and Pikachu, Petz 3, Barbie stuff, Powerpuff girls, and Beanie Babies. Molly writes no poetry ... but she will when she gets older, I guarentee it. Molly wanted me to mention her friends' names: Gabrielle, Jordan, Lexi, Christine, Christina, Nicole, Kelly, Phillip, Tyler, Jessie, Kesley, Justin, Lacey, and Alison.

Toon Disney, the web page of the channel Molly watches 24/7
Powerpuff Girls website
Petz Homepage, where Molly likes to go
Beanie Babies Website
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