Professional Letter 11: Nicole
To My Esteemed Peers,
I would first like to express my gratitude to Ms.
O'Donnell for her funny joke at the beginning of the
letter above. I did indeed find it very humorouse that
she thinks herself saner than I.
In her response to my usage of chatrooms, I can only
say that due to Ms. Mazuz, I am trying to broaden my
horizons and be more of an open mind. I would like to
thank Ms. O'Donnell profusely for her condolences and
for her best wishes.
Regarding the birthday issue mentioned above, I would
like to express the sentiment that no one should feel
pressured to give me anything. In closing, I will
repeat my concerns about Ms. Mazuz lack of
participation. She must be contacted.
Nicole Lybarger
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