Professional Letter 12: Jenni
To Whom It May Concern:
In regards to everyone's apparant concern for Ms. Daphne Sandra Mazuz, I would like to inform any interested that I recently spoke to Ms. Mazuz on this subject. Her response, if it could be called that, was quote: "oh, i decided to stay out of it just to annoy some people", unquote. You may respond to that as you will.
On another note, I would like to ask Ms. Nicole Michelle Lybarger if she is ill at this period of time, as she is acting in a manner uncommon for her (see above note about gay chatrooms). In a topic related to this, I am inquiring as to why a lesbian is in a gay chatroom.
Continuing with this, I am informing all who read this that a one "Mr. Gay" (his real name) walked into a gay bar Friday night and shot 7 people. Comment as you will.
Again, to Ms. Lybarger, I ask if she could specify what sort of reading material she would enjoy. On the topic of reading, I am informing everyone that the new Animorphs book, number 46, is unusually not out yet. I am concerned.
Futhermore, I ask all of you, particually Ms. O'Donnell and Ms. Mazuz, what the difference is between 'Send To' and 'Copy To' in regards of sending a message.
I welcome again the currently-named rabbit, Rocky, again to Ms. Lybarger's family. I would like to remind Ms. Lybarger and Ms. O'Donnell that one Ms. Alison Theresa Hums prefers the screen name shortybbcheeks to ax2085. The correction has been made above.
Lastly, I am warning everyone that I will be posting these letters on my website. There is no apparent reason for doing this, other then I feel a strange need to do so. If you are extremely against this, contact me.
Jennifer Eileen Kissinger
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