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Professional Letter 14: Jenni

To Whom It May Concern:

I extend my thanks to Ms. Nicole Michelle Lybarger, whose entire previous letter (above) answered many of my questions.

However, I must inform Ms. Lybarger that there is a clear difference between a gay and a lesbian person. Men are gay, and women are lesbian. This is why I asked my previous question.

Congratulates to Ms. Lybarger on her connection between Mr. Gay and Mr. Sean Bradley Miller in their love of weapons, which I had not made. If Mr. Miller is reading this over Ms. Alison Theresa Hums' shoulder, I am letting you know that the gun used by Mr. Gay was a 9 mm.

On a related topic, I would like to say along with Ms. Lybarger that Mr. Miller is indeed very scary.

In regards to Ms. Lybarger's birthday, I would like to inform her that I will most assuredly be buying her gifts, but that they may arrive late due to aliens and the government, which are beyond my control at this time.

Ms. Jennifer Eileen Kissinger

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