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Professional Letter 15: Nicole

To Whom It May Concern,
I would like to start off by questioning why some previous messages were truncated and by asking exactly what does that mean. If someone would be so kind as to explain this to me, I would be very greatfull.
Regarding Ms. Kissingers thanks in her previuos note, I would like to say that if there is anyway in which I may help you, I should be very happy to do so and no thanks should be necessary.
I would also like to respond to Ms. Kissingers earlier comment pertaining to gays,lesbians and the difference or lack of, between them. This particular lesbian made it quite clear that despite of her current gender, there was a time that she was considered gay.
In closing I would like to inform Ms. Kissinger that I do most assuredly understand if her gift is late. I have dealt with my relatives before understand that it is hard for those who are not used to the aliens to deal with them.

Nicole Lybarger

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