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Professional Letter 19: Emily

To Whom It May Concern

I am a woman of few words. . . . ::waits patiently:: and now if Ms. Kissinger and Ms. Mazuz would kindly stop laughing, I could continue. . .
Oh the subject of book 46 ( see above ) I would like to say that I fear our dear Aximilli is becoming less and less like his simming character every day and more and more like his brother, Elfangor. I do not think this is necessarily a bad thing, but Ms. Hums may feel differently on the subject.
Personally, I prefer the new Ax. . .as opposed to the jackass that SOMEONE created during the simming. But it would impolite to point fingers ( at Ali. . .)
On another note of Book number 45, I have only one thing to say: "I have to FIND HER!!!!!!"
Thank you.

Emily Danielle O'Donnell

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