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Professional Letter 20: Nicole

To Whom It May Concern,
In response to Ms. Kissingers letter and her outrage at not having known of my home ties, I have been advised by my people to remain quiet. I am sorry but you must understand how fatal it would be to disperse information to a rival planet.
On the same note, my people have asked me to speak on behalf of them and and request that your people return our flaglemon immediately. We all are very appalled that you stole our very rare Digimon card and we will take certain desperate measures to get it back.
On a more pleasant note, I was very happy to find that book #46 has been found. I, unfortunately, still have not found it but I will continue looking.
Regarding Ms. O'Donnell's earlier statement, I would like to say that while the new Ax is without a doubt much better behaved, I feel it takes away from his character. He was much more interesting when he was a jackass.
Finally, I suggest when you do find Ms. Applegate, that you remember that while she is evil, she has been through a lot what with my people recently punishing her for almost totally ruining the whole book series.
Ending on that note, I will now bid you all farewell, for I am being summoned by my very evil father.

Nicole Lybarger

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