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Hello, all! I've decided to make a quotes page of everything I like in quotes. I know that made no sense, but oh well. I have a few categories, but I'll have many more as I find new quotes. Thank you, and read on.

Specifically, I'd like to point on the page dedicated to quotes either Nicole, or people directly involved with Nicole, Inc. have said. It's definitely my favorite!

The "Inside Jokes" pages are where you'll find the majority of what is know as the "quotebooks."

Pages should be being updated constantly. I'll always put the quotes at the bottom of the pages, so if there's nothing new at the bottom, there's nothing new at all.

Nicole's, and Friends, Quotes
Family Quotes
Introspective Quotes
Hypothetical Quotes
Simming Quotes
Animorph Quotes
Star Wars Quotes
Star Trek Quotes
Lord of the Rings Quotes
Book Quotes
Movie Quotes
TV Quotes
Inside Joke Quotes-1999-2000
Inside Joke Quotes-2000-2001
Biology Quotes-2000
Inside Joke Quotes-2001-2002
Inside Joke Quotes-2002-2003
Inside Joke Quotes-2003-2004
Summer Quotes-2004
Inside Joke Quotes-2004-2005
Summer Quotes-2005
Inside Joke Quotes-2005-2006
Summer Quotes-2006
Inside Joke Quotes-2006-2007
Inside Joke Quotes-2007-2008

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