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Inside Jokes Quotes 1999-2000

"Why is it that the monkey is the only animal cracker with pants? How do you think the other crackers feel? Maybe the hippo's like, 'Where are my hippo pants? I have my hippo dignity!' And the monkey's just like 'I mock you with my monkey pants!' "

"If we can send one man to the moon, why can't we send them all."

"Why don't we just land on the sun when it's nighttime?"
~A blonde

"Look! I have ten toes!"
~A blonde at the pool

~A blonde
(And then she burst into flames ...)

"See, I have no idea what's going on!"
"Isn't that obvious."
~Nicole and Jenni, English class

"Give me the book!"


"I will call it Mini Mall."
~Megan to Rachel

"This is me caring. See? This is my face when I care. And this is my face now."

"I'm a fairy, I'm a fairy!"

"Some people see the glass as half empty, others see it as half full, I see it was two times the size it needs to be."
~by: wouldn't you like to know

"O Capitan, my capitan."

"Stay gold."
~Dead guy

::pause:: "22, 22 ..."

"And the baby's head is this big."

"Chicken, walk, walk, walk."
~Megan and Jenni

"ANTS! Ants on pumpkins!"
~Emily and Jenni

"But what does that have to do with the price of tea in Japan?"
"Isn't it China?"
"Japan sounds better."
~Sean and Nicole

~Emily, Ali, and the Evil Yeerk

"I'm .... CRAZY!!! HAHAH-" ::crash:: ... ::silence::

"First grade, get it, get it, get it? ... I don't get it."

"Breathe deep, seek peace." "That's gay, seek brain." ~Jenni and Ali "It's snowing! Fine, don't believe me!"

"We're not gangs, we're social groups that don't like each other."

"I want to sit in the cool chair!"

::gasp:: "It moves!"
"No Jenni, it swims."
~Jenni and Megan

(about chocolate milk)
"I think you need to shake it."
"Me too." ::starts to shake::
::moves away::
~Megan and Jenni

"Did I tell you how much I hate bowling?"
"Did I tell you how much bowling hates me?"


"Don't spit on the screen, Jen."

"I need tickets."
"Really, do you?"
~Machine at bowling and Megan

"Sounds like ... oh crap, it's my turn."

"I need a psychiatrist."

"Ow ... pain ..."
~Jenni, Ali, Daphne

"Run, Forrest, run!"
~Jenni and Megan

"I wish I could drive a bulldozer through rush hour traffic ..."
"I wish I had magic hair ..."
"I wish I was an Oscar-Meyer weiner ..."
"I wish everyeone else was an Oscar-Meyer weiner ..."
~Birthday Card

"I'm a weiner in a package, gotta fry me the right way."

"I'm Germish!"

"Funny the way the world works."

"Like, um, well, okay, yeah."

"Everyone, pretend you're asleep!"
~Lots of people whose names I can't make out

"Cool car!"

"Nice car, nice car, ooooo, really nice car!"

"A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, W, X, Y ... wait, that's not right ..."

"HI BRAD!!!"
~Emily, Megan, Jenni, Rachel, and Amy

"Tyler's a Communist fairy who goes around the forest going, 'Am I a boy, am I a girl?"

~Jenni, on Raymon Zerr

"A day without sunshine is ... well, um, you know, night."

"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."

"Hukked on Foniks werked fur me!"

"I love you, man."

"I'm not blond, I'm golden brown."

"Blank pages ..." ::flipping::
~Emily and Jenni

"Oh my God, we killed Kenobi!"
"You landed the Falcon on him, dude."
~Han and Luke

"Lemon ducks!"



~Jenni, Nicole, and Emily

"Well isn't this a fine kettle of fish!"

"Die, leopard, die!"
"Now Jenni, how would you feel if a leopard walked up to you and was like, 'Die, Jenni, die!'?"
~Jenni and Megan

"Snow ... fall ..."

::poke poke::
"No! I do not want to reproduce with you!"
~Sexy Lexy and Emily and Rachel and Nicole

"There is so much I could say right now ..."

"It's my life ... on CD!"
~Mr. Snelling

"Write that in the quote book!"

"I think I think ..."

~Emily and Jenni

"The panda bears need our help." ::fingers together::
~Emily and Amy

~Emily, Jenni, Megan, Ali

"I beat Sean up!"

"Think we should sleep?!?"
~Everyone at sleepover

"And his evil twin's name was ..." ::takes deep breath:: "BillyBobBobBillyBobBobBillyBobBobBobJOE!"
~Emily and Jenni

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