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Inside Jokes Quotes 2001-02

"You can't rub my 'hi' off!"
"I can't rub your 'hi' off?"
"What kind of 'hi' can you rub off?"
~Jenni, Kevin, Kyle

"Says who?!"
~Jenni and Daphne

"Flowcharts are our friends."
~Mr. Scholl

"How come you don't chew shoes like regular dogs?"
~Heather to Coco

"Here, lick the floor!"
~Heather to Coco

"Stick my finger in your throat ..."
~Heather to Coco

"Why do you keep doing that tongue thing?! He's trying to bite his tongue off ..."
~Heather to Coco

"Cockade? Hey, you want some cockade?"
"It's like lemonade, but better!"
~Jenni and Heather

"Were the whores at the whorehouse polite?"
"No ..."
"What about the whorees? The ones getting whored?"
~Jenni and Megan

"I want to get new [eye]glasses, so I can drink out of them ... like drinking from a spoon."

"I don't listen, I overhear."

"It's hard to talk out loud ..."

"See, Jenni is what we call a dorkus."

"Godzilla, earthquakes, they're kind of the same thing ..."
"Harrison, you watch too much TV."
~Harrison, Mrs. Nigrini

"I left my pen on!"
~Heather Oister

::office rings the phone::
"Bye ..."
::Meredith leaves::
::office rings again:: ::Mr. Scholl doesn't pick up the phone::
"The office people must love you, huh?"
~Office, Mr. Scholl, Meredith, Jenni

"Sex is like Pringles ... one pop and you can't stop!"

::Jared goes up to girl eating fries at the cell phone stand:: "Do you sell French Fries here?"
~Jared (with Daphne, Talya, Kyle)

::girl in belly shirt walks by::
"Oh, that poor girl! She didn't have enough money to buy her whole shirt!"

"It's not a sport, it's gym class."

"Why are we talking about homosexuality in Family and Consumer Science?"
"Apparently, it's part of the cirriculum ..."
~Chris and Harrison

"Why should I teach you to have a crutch?"
~Mr. Scholl

"However, I have to teach you programming [BASIC] lisp."
"It's the gay version!"
~Mr. Scholl and Sean

"Well of course opposites attract! Otherwise we'd all be a bunch of gay and lesbian people running around!"

"If it didn't annoy you, it wouldn't be math class."

"You're a one-toed freak."

"Harrison, one of these days you're going to fall over."
"One of these days? It's like every three days!"
~Mrs. Nigrini and Sean

"You have to overdict."
~Mr. Horst

"Duba! Du-ba!"
~Mr. Horst and choir

"And here's your test."
"Here's a secret, Ms. Wicklow, with my notes and my open book and--"
~Ms. Wicklow (Mrs. Nigrini) and Harrison

"Everything's cheap, Megan's cheap ..."
"Okay, excuse me, I measured myself at the Christmas tree and I am 28 dollars!"
~Jenni and Megan

"Farmer in the dell, farmer in the dell, heigh ho, the stereo--"
~Molly and Jenni

"Ya know if ducks were us, and our arms were their legs, it'd be really hard to pick up a cup!"

"Where is Alyssa?"
"That's like asking, 'Where's Amelia Earhart?' "
~Mrs. Nigrini and Sean

"This is not extra credit. This is forced extra credit."
~Mr. Scholl

"Did you get shocked?"
"Your shock went through Molly to me!"
~Heather, Jenni, Molly

"Yes, the carroted five is in Barbados!"

~Frau Sauer

"Alright Josh, I'm timing you. Ready, set, GO!"
~Brittany to Josh ... don't ask ... really ...

"These [boots] are held together with tape."
"So, most of the military is held together with tape."
~Alexis and Sean

"Montana! Where men are men and sheep are nervous."

"What's the problem?"
"My nose is all screwed up ..."
"Just your nose?"
~Ms. Wicklow, Harrison, Sean

"Bloody nose?"
"No, it's just Harrison, he leaks."
~Ms. Wicklow and Sean

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot this is the class that needs to be told to TURN THE PAGE."
~Ms. Roth

"She always wears camels." ::referring to Ms. Roth::
"Since when?"
"It was a horse with a cactus. And never wears shoes."
~Toby and Ms. Roth

"Just be your usual, tired, drowsy, bland, unresponsive selves and we'll get along fine."
~Ms. Roth

"Everyone in the entire world is out to PISS ME OFF!!!"
"Yes, it's called PMS, bud."
~Heather and Jenni

"And I saw a blinding flash and went back to sleep."
"And the aliens took one look at you and said, 'Nevermind ...' "
~Harrison, and someone who for many good reasons and for the sake of the realm must remain anonymous, for the good of all mankind

"HA! You laughed!"
"No, I smiled loudly."
"You can't smile loudly, that's like singing rap."
"You can't sing rap."
"Exactly, so you can't smile loudly. You talk rap ..."
"Trash talk rap ..."
"Saran rap ..."
~Heather and Dad, in car

[The authors of this page would like to apologize for this break in the otherwise continuous quote page. We feel it is our duty to inform you that sadly, a great part of our quotitage has been removed from this site due to many good reasons that were brought to our attention. As we deeply want to protect the physical, emotional, and mental stability of the quoter in question, we have had to edit this part of the quote page for the sake of the realm, and the good of all mankind. We hope you can forgive this regretable yet necessary action on our part, as we strive to continue to bring you the best we have to offer in good, solid quotage. Thank you for your patience.]
Pardon our dust

"Which would you rather I break: your neck or your necklace?"
"My neck, because I can always get another necklace."
~Jenni and Heather

"Hi! My name is Joe. I've got a wife and three kids, I work in a button factory! ... I've got a wife and four kids ... I've got a wife and six kids ... I've got a wife and seven kids ... I've got a wife and nine kids ... I've got a wife and three kids ... oh wait ... Hi! ... I've got a wife and twenty kids, I work in a button factory ... One day ... he said push the button with your BEEEEP! Hi! My ..."
~Heather, as Jenni tunes in and out

"You know what? Whenever somebody says 'Hi my name is Joe,' I'm going to burst out laughing."

"Jenni, Jenni, I'm so happy!"
"I found this website of biorhythms and I did me and Orlando Bloom and it came out ninety-eight percent!"
"Physical was 96, Spiritual was ... 97, and Intellectual was 98."
"What? Are you jealous, huh, because you can't have me?"
~Heather and Jenni

"I had hair down past my butt when I was little."
"Me too."
"I had hair down to my ankles ..."
~Alexis, Sean, Harrison

"You are tolerated in many ways ..."

"I should have listened to my mother when she said: always chew your preztels before you swallow."
~President Bush

"I do not have anthrax, I just choked on a preztel."
~President Bush

"The only action I get is from Jenni and Alexis!"

"Is sex considered a swear word?"
"Naaah ... it's a verb."
~Melody and Genna

"Yes, Elie Wiesel speaks French."
~Ms. Roth and Toby, Mitch, Ethan

"See, I just start talking and they ignore me and I can't get a word in edgewise--"
"I'm sorry, did you say something?"
~Jenni and Heather

"See, Megan used the word 'weirdo' in place of 'b****' and we told Nicole, and then I realized Nicole's screen name was greatblondweirdo--"

"First of all, I'm not trying to tell you what to do."
"Yes you are! You're telling me to march upstairs to my room, and clean my room! You're not my father! YOU KILLED MY FATHER!"
~Dude and Heather

"It's also a noun ... actually it's not a verb. I'm sexing you ..."

"Ah, yes. Zingler, who knows where he is, he's probably dead."
~Mr. Scholl

"I don't have an office. I have a mess."
~Mr. Scholl

"I will have Harrison work the projector."
"Why do you do something like that?!"
~Mrs. Nigrini and Matt

"Two people can keep a secret, as long as one of them's dead."
~Dad, Russian proverb

"Do you know about your crush on Nell?"
"What about Megan?"
"Where've you been, man?"
"In his attic ..."
~Jenni, Josh, and Lyz

"That's like Josh's pen, you don't know the thing shot off the end 'til you hear someone scream! Suicidal pen."

"Do you take a shower?"
"No, I take it the night before. I don't like sleeping in my own filth."
~Mr. Scholl and Jimmy

"She said there was a utopia with three guys and 25 Victorian Secret's models, and I said they would end up being three guys and 25 lesbians."

"Okay, here's a C, here's a C, and here's a C. Do you follow the C-quence?"
~Mr. Horst

"Wait, wait, don't tell me." ::long pause:: "Oh, sh-oh! Vince."
~Ms. Roth

"So, parléz vous français?" ::long moment of silence:: "Apparently not."
~Ms. Roth

"So if I were an adroit pickpocket, I could take something out of Abby's purse, and she's never know."
~Ms. Roth and Nell

"My husband is a card-carrying alien. Isn't that weird? 'My children are the children of an alien.' "
~Ms. Roth

"How do you feel? No, not what you feel like doing, how you feel emotionally."
~Me and Megan

"This [math textbook] says 'Property of Exeter Township School District."
"So we stole 'em from Exeter."
~Math class

"Our quote book is better than your quote book."
"No it's not." ::at same time::
"No it's not." ::at same time::
~Josh, Jenni and Melody

"It's like, look at all the pretty colors."
"Dude, Josh is all the pretty colors."
~Jenni and Melody

"Slim-Fast is better for you than Cocoa Pebbles, it has 24 vitamins and nutients!"
"Yeah, well, so does sunshine."
~Jenni and Dad

::phone rings::
"Hello, Room 107 ... oh, I need to pick up the phone."
~Mr. Scholl

"This is Sylvan Learning Center, just more ghetto."

"There has to be someone out there with prune juice hair!"

"Hair cutting does not affect hair length."

"They have plastic ducks in their pond."
"Those are still there? I thought they died."
~Sarah and Megan

"One of my life goals is to see a chicken run around with its head cut off."
"It's always good to aim high."
"Yeah, but if you aim too high you'll get the head and that'll ruin the whole operation ..."
~Kay and Jenni

"... which to begin with was extremely bastardly--"
"I love that word--bastardly."
"Yeah, me too! Okay here we go ... 1, 2, 3 ..."
~Alexis, Sarah, Alexis, Sarah and Heather and Alexis

"It's really bad if you're slow and stupid. 'Boy, it takes you a long time to get the wrong answer!' "
~Mr. Fegely

"He likes my mom better than me!"
"Well, everyone hates you, I'm not going to be different."
~Meredith and Mr. Fegely

"Megan, I'm going to make out with Kyle, and Benito, and Willy!"
"You can't make out with my boyfriend!"
"Yes I can!"
"No you can't!"
"Yes I can!"
"Well, I can do it better!"
~Jenni and Megan

"Every person has a right to fail, far be it for me to take it from them."
~Mr. Fegely

"What's wrong wtih being easy?"

"I don't know, Kerri, what is wrong with being easy? Are you easy? Well, are you?"
~Kerri and Alexis

"Look, it's Sauron! The evil eye!"
"In the power plant ..."
~Dad and Jenni

"What? McDonald's sells EPT?" (error proof tests)

"I'm Jack!" ::walks into a door::

"Sorry. I don't have any brothers for you, Laura."
"It's okay, you've got sisters."
~Sarah and Laura

"Mr. Fegely, is this answer right?"
"I don't think so, no."
"Are you sure you don't want to think some more, because I think it's right."
~Harrison and Mr. Fegely

::insult, insult, insult:: "When are you going to get those stupid braces off?!"
~Daphne to Jenni

"Juniors! With cookie dough!"

"Does anyone still have their Seperate Peace book?"
"Yes! And can you take back the Too Kill a Mockingbird, too?"
~Ms. Barett and Harrison

"That quote book has a mind of its own. One day, you're gonig to turn on the TV and discover that the quotebook has taken over small parts of Africa, thereby extending its reach over the entire European, Asian, African, and American circles."

"There are some people who ask why. I ask why not."
~Mr. Fegely

::Alexis gets caught on Daphne's chair:: "Ahh! Daphne! You're trying to kill meeeee!"

"Yeah, but the first books of the Bible were written by Moses."
"And I have the feeling Moses was a big fat liar. 'Mr. Ten Commandments' ..."
~Jenni and Alexis

"Most people would just be a fire, you'd be an inferno."
~Kay to Jenni

"Alex! I desire to pinch you."

"Don't touch our crucible thongs!"

"Cowabunga, dude."
"So we're in California now."
"No, we're just green and mutants. Anyway."
~Mr. Scholl and Jenni

"It's good to know we're all keeping our sanity."

"We don't notice that, Meredith, because we're not madly in love with Harrison."
"Yeah, we only notice when Nick does it."
"So you're madly in love with Nick?"
"Of course."
~Alex, Sean, Jenni

"Hey everyone. It's donation time. No, we don't want money. We want blood. Yours."
~On the announcements ...

"Mr. Fegely did it, she did it, he did it, and did it."
"What are we talking about?"
"Doing it."
~Kay, Sarah, Megan

"Good! Now, sing to the screw."
"Serending the screw ..."
~Mr. Horst and Lyz

"Ya know, they should have more cocks around here."

"I know nothing about her."
"HEATHER! Dad's bringing a psychotic killer into the house!"
"In about fifteen minutes."
::panicked:: "... But I'm not done cleaning the bathroom!!!"
~Dad, Jenni, Heather

"We're HAPPY!"

"Well Matt, if we're gonna do it, we have to do it by Wednesday!"

"So if we stick Kay on the stove and light it, what will she want to do?"
"Change color!"
~Mr. Richards and Alexis

"Alexis, if you were an animal, what would you be?"
"I would be a ... sea cucumber!"
~Jenni and Alexis

"Oh my God!"
"You don't have to call me that, I appreciate it, but--"
~Mr. Fegely

"Harrison's not fuzzy."
~Daphne (at least that's what it SOUNDED like ...)

"And your answer is that. Clear and simple."
"Yeah, clear and simple, like Brita water."
~Mr. Fegely and Harrsion

"Lemme put it another way: I was plenty hot."

"There is no such thing as a stupid question, only the stupid people who ask."
~Mr. Fegely

"They look like llamas! I WANT ONE!"
~Heather, on alpacas

"If dogs show off, do other dogs care?"
~TV commercial

"So, have you been anyone's distraction lately?"
~Mom to Megan

"Nate, don't take off your pants!"
~11th graders

"Two kids doing what in the backyard of your sister's house?"
~Mr. Scholl to Jocelyn

"Do I look like a fun teacher?"
~Mr. Scholl and 11th graders

"Do you have gum?!"
"No! I was singing!" ::sticks out tongue:: "I don't chew gum, I eat lip gloss. Ha!"
~Mr. Horst and Adam

"May I have your attention please. Show some bunny you care."

"This chick is imprinted on me!"

"Can I borrow your head?"
~Jenni to Kyle

"Lick right there!"
~Brad and Kay

"Can we put this chick on your head?"
~Megan and Brian

"I'm a moron! I feel more and more like Meredith every day! A one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest!"
~Mr. Fegely

"Do you know that we've been up half the night? No. You don't. You're bunnies. Happy, healthy, PINK bunnies!"
~Lady on commercial

"If you saw him without his head, he would be cute!"
~Genna to Melody

"This is Alpha Two, Subject One is primed to mate. It's a go!"

"Heather, what's one plus one?"
"... Two."
"What day was Pearl Harbor?"
"December 7, 1941."
"What's the quote?"
"A date which will live in--What the heck?"
~Lyz, Heather, Melody

"Yep. Drink Pepsi. The sky's orange."

"Does my lipstick match my eyeliner?"
"Yeah, does my nose bring out my eyes?"
~Heather and Jenni

"Yeah, but we aren't popular like you, Mom."
"I'm popular!"
~Heather and Molly

::class has been talking about good actors and actresses::
"Sigourney Weaver is a good actress."
"No, she dosen't have big boobs."
"... does she need to?"
~Heather and--

[Once again, those of us here at Quotes 'R' Us would like to apologize for this break in your normal quotable viewing. However, we felt that we must draw to your attention the fact that we have been urged strongly by high government official types to edit this quote for content. We have also deleted the following quote from our viewing. We apologize for any conflict or head injuries this might have caused, but assure you that it is all for the sake of the realm and the good of mankind. Thank you, and have a nice day.]

(abridged version)
"We have enough potatoes in care of a nuclear holocaust."

"Well, he was a teacher of Dad's, so he must be dead."

"If we cut YOUR head off, your body won't grow back."
"I'm not a tick!"
~Heather and Joe

"Besides, it's not the big ones that you have to worry about, but the small ones."
"Wait, are we talking about ticks still, or kids?"
~Mom and Joe

"I'm thinking of dying my hair blue."
"Blue is good." ::glances at Mom:: "Oh, no, blue is bad, blue is very bad--Will you STOP writing?!"
~Heather and Joe, then to Jenni

"Harley Davidson keychain, on the floor, by my desk. Why?"
"I was throwing them at Bobby!"
"Yes, of course, how silly of me."
~Mrs. Smith and Rick

"I am the original Hez."

"I'm too young to, to, ICE CREAM!"

"Where else could you be and have this much fun?"
"The dentist."
~Mr. Fegely and Sean

"Is it parallel? It LOOKS like it's parallel. But someone could walk by and look in and say, 'that LOOKS like a class or intelligent students-' "
~Mr. Fegely

"These are horrible."
"The nurse is a nice person."
"Sarah also feels the need to get naked."
"Not anymore!"
~Sarah, Jenni, Kay

"I've died 27 times!"

"Could you possibly soothe my Alpaca?"
~Writing on Alexis's paper

"Let it be written that I am an ass! May it never be forgotten, I am an ass!"
"... Glad to oblige, Kay."
~Kay and Jenni

"Try burping!"
"... Right now?"
~Ali and Sean

"I didn't mean to spit on the One Ring!"

"I definitely have lips."

"Condoms, condoms, condoms!"
~Jenna F

::substitute teacher is asking when the sports kids get out of class:: "Fall soccer gets out at 2:00!"
~Tyler, in APRIL

"Now, I know you've all been wondering where babies come from. Have you read the book by Hugh G. Rection?"
~Matt, teaching math class

"Is this a joke?"
"He's just insulting your intelligence, go for it!"
~Sub and Harrison

"Everybody stand up and do push ups!"

"Let it go, Benedict!"
~Harrison as Leah writes assignment on board

~Mr. Fegely, writing on black board

"Mark's talking to a pole."
"Looks like he's doing a little more than talking."
~Sarah and Megan

"It looks like Heather has four shoulders."
~Sarah, on Mark being behind Heather

"Dude, if she's your sister, you're going the prom with like ... incest!"
~Kay to Mark, on Hez

"13 out of 52."
"Aww, you were sooooo far away."
~Jenna and Mr. Fegely

::quite suddenly:: "Where's my brain?!"

"I found it! I wanted to squeeze my brain and I couldn't find it!"

"I've always wondered, what if electrons are like, 'no, I don't want to be attracted to you, you're not pretty!' "

"So, do they have gay electrons?"

"So, to stop Middle East violence, all we have to do is send over rappers."

::flips over bike:: "See, that's what I didn't want you to do. Don't do that."
~Cody (Squirrel-boy)

"Tyler, number 12."
"Um, I can't find my homework, and/or I didn't do it ..."
~Mr. Fegely and Tyler

"You're going to retire a whole lot sooner than you think!"
~Mr. Fegely to Matt

"And Daphne went home, cause she has PMS!"
"So, Nick has PMS, he's still here ..."
~Alexis and Sean

"How much food did Alex eat?"
"I don't know, but he did bring food home."
"Oh, so he put them out of business."
~Harrison and Sean

"Hey! Don't waste water, we're in a drought!"
"Yeah, we're in a drought, as the cars go past, being washed down the mountain ..."
~Jenni and Dad

~Mr. Richards (120 times in ONE DAY!)

"Here, let me blow my sleeve in your nose."

"I want to sell little bits on my brain, so that when people see me on the moon they can say, 'Hey look I have a piece of that girl's brain!' "
"I thought you were going to land on Mars?"
"Same thing."
"Okay ... and how much to you expect people to pay for this supposed brain?"
~Jenni and Kay

"How can you travel ahead to a time that hasn't existed yet?"
"You move really really fast."
~Daphne and Jenni

"See, kids were talking about how they didn't want to take sex ed with the college prep kids because they'd point a a diagram and laugh, whereas we would make a sophisticated joke."

"I would rob a bank for fifty bucks."
"Fifty bucks? I'd rob it for fifty cents!"
~Seniors talking behind me

"I don't think Mrs. Blackson's husband is alive. He's either dead or she ate him."

"JEEZ that's long!"

"Is there a lot of nose in my hair?"

"My boyfriend is so GAY!"
"Do you realize what you just said?"
~Lesley and Heather

"Sex is not a bad thing unless you're too young!"
::totally serious:: "And three is not too young."
~Heather and Mom

"What did you and Dad do the rest of the day before we were born?"
"You mean at night?"
~Jenni and Mom

::frightened voice:: "He meant 'Thumbkin!' He wants me to sing Thumbkin! He just ... kinda pronounces the 'th' as an 'f' and forgot about the 'm' ..."

"You can't see these pictures until I've burned them. Then you may look at the ashes."

"No wonder the Arabs are so messed up, they've all been retarded ten times over."

"Women are a royal pain."
"Royal is correct!"
"So is pain."
~Mr. Fegely, Jenni, Mike

"Shealene graduates Wednesday night."
"Is she going to college or skipping straight to McDonald's?"
~Mom and Heather

"Well's a pretty deep subject-" ::turns to Jenni:: "-for a shallow mind like yours."
~Daphne and Mr. Fegely

"I'm heavily sedated on painkillers, so if I invite you into the litterbox ... don't take it personally."

"There is a Daphne shortage!"

"If we can leave God out of it for a second ..."
"Let's try ... 'zap!' "
~Dad and Heather

"Guess what I got, just in time for tonight?"
~Jenni and Heather

"Did you guys hear that thing pop when you were up there?"
"No, I was too busy watching my life flash before my eyes."
~Mom and Heather

"It was one of those gas commercials where the people get bigger cause they're bloated and Molly was like, 'Ya know, if there was a fat guy there, he'd probably explode!' "

"You said the h-word! You said hell!" ::gasp:: "I said it!"
~Heather to Nicole

"You don't make sense." ::pause:: "You make dollars! Aha!"
~Heather to Nicole

"Think of me as the protective younger brother--with two 'X' chromosomes."
~Heather to Jenni

"I love eyes ... I want to collect them."

"Most of those quotes are probably mine anyway."

"Daddy, does Tylenol work for menstrual cramps?"

"Whoa!! Both channels, both channels!"

"Sean calls romance novels 'housewife porn.' "

"Darnit Heather, you killed my boyfriend on my favorite jeans!"

"Well ... they don't really always stand behind your tractor. Beacuse that would be creepy. Not to mention unsafe."

"Spread the love; let someone merge."
~On a pink billboard

"And this has been your message from the American Duct Tape Association. Duct tape: It's almost about the only thing you'll need sometimes."

"Honey, I think I broke the washing machine."
"Oh? How'd you manage that?"
"... Sledge hammer ...."
~Woman and man in commercial

::brow puckers in a puzzled frown::
"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!" ::at same time::
"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!" ::at same time::
~Dad, Jenni and Heather

"Why are there stupid people?"
"Well, it's kind of like a clam. A piece of sand irritates you ... and you do something beautiful with it."
"Call him an idiot?"
~Heather and Dad

"I'm a projectiiiiile." ::crashes into door::

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