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Inside Jokes Quotes 2003-04

"How long is a nerve?"
"Two seconds when someone gets on it!"
~Heather and Mom

"Hooters is a family resteraunt!"
"Nobody goes there for the family part!"
"I did. I made a couple families."
~Sarah, Jenni, Brad

"What's the equation for the difference of two energies?"
"Maybe a minus b ...?"
~Ben and Jenni

"He's not a dwarf, he's just a bit fat."

"Oh, that's what it is. There's a doorstop in my ..."

"Men attempting to think is the cause of most of society's woes."

"See, I'm a nice guy ... but I love shooting things!"

"Do you really want your baby to grow up without three fathers?"
~Jenni to Ben

"Getting punched in the eye, it's just not a good thing."
~Dr. Oswalt

"If you stare at something, it disappears."
"Staring contests!"
~Dr. Oswalt and Brad

"She's not evil, she's pretty!"
~Jenni, on Mandy

"What are Ender's adopted kids' names?"
"Oh crap, there's ten of them and they're all Puerto Rican!"
~Jenni and Mischa

"Actually, I have to go upstairs and pull the oven out ... cause I kinda dropped my retainer behind it ... cause it's like, back there, having some kind of weird, ritualistic orgy with the dust bunnies and ants!"

"I'm going to get on to my sister next time I see her, cause I know what emo means now, and I'm not happy!"

"What's a puppy going to go to purgatory for?"
~George, after imagining stabbing a fork into his FOREHEAD

"Florida! Where America goes to die."

"We shouldn't be able to hug the sun."

"Yeah, see Cassiopoeia up there? The one that looks like an upside down W."
"An M? Good job, Dad."
~Dad and Heather

"RotK Pringles: the chip that was broken."

"Paper was lost in the Great Tree Jihad of 2117."

"That's a great name for a mountain pass-the Non Shall Pass."

"That old Manos ain't got nothing on this chick! Except his fateful hands."
"Whoa, that sounded bad ..."
"AGH! It was NOT supposed to sound like that!"
~Steph and Heather

"You need to have a proper level of taint."
"It's like antibodies!"
~Matt and Dan

"We're trying to get taint into its solid form right now."
"I wonder what taint reacts with? Taint oxide ..."
"And you could have anti-taint!"
~Jenni, Dan, Mischa

"You're a chocoholic and your best friend's a hangover."
~Dan to Jenni

"We're all smarter than the average ... Mexican."

"It's like you're walking on the street, and you see a Big Mac box laying in the middle of the road and you think, 'Wow, a Big Mac just for me!' and you open up the box, and it's empty!"
"Why would you eat a Big Mac that was sitting in the middle of the road?"
~Mr. Gingrich and Alexis

"What do you do at recess?"
"We play a game where the boys chase the girls and then the girls chase the boys, but ... it's more complicated than that."
"It'll get more complicated as you get older."
~Mom, Molly, Dad

"I'm not going to shave my goatee."
"Oh, you're like my friend Alicia."
~George and Rachelle

"Oh! Guys, I'm stoned."

"Permanent marker made me the man I am today."

"It's like, ponies! Lollipops!"
~George and Dan

"Do you stealth-vomit?"
"Yes, stealth vomitting, the new skill."
~Dan and Mischa

"George is behind you."
"I turn around!"
"Too late."
~Mischa and Matt

"A dumb word from a grasshopper smells like chicken to a moth."

"No, I can't believe you're hitting on his pig!"
~Jenni to Dan, on George's pig

"There's something in my pocket ... oh, it's my pocket."

"Black hair, gotta get black hair ..."
"You already have black hair."
~George and Mischa

"I didn't do anything stupid tonight!"
"Yeah. ... Wait, you set Jenni on FIRE!"
~Matt and George

"George died for a pipe."

"I invited her over for the Superbowl party, and she says her family's atheist, they don't celebrate Superbowl."

"Strangle me, another one appears!"

"I'll grab it, and I'll tear it up. And as I tear it up, I'll dance around."
~Sawyer, on incorrect notecards

"I appreciate your patience, and I appreciate your being pissed off ..."

"Just cause you're good at Physics doesn't mean you're good at the alphabet."

"They exercised their boobies off."

"Look, it's statics--now it's dynamics!"
~Lan, throwing Statics book

"I love you like a REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY fat kid loves cake, cookies, and all those other sweets."
~Molly to Jenni

"I want the full T1! How do I get it?"
"By killing everyone on campus!"
~Jenni and George

"You can get out of lab by killing people, too. That happened in my class last night ..."

"I could go kidnap her if I wanted to."
~Matt, on Ilana

"I'm glad I wore pants today."

"No, I don't like wearing physics."

"Hey, she sounds like Andrea!"
~Matt, on Jenni

"So you go to your calculator, and you punch it ... in the face ..."

"Heather says my periods make me mean. I used to have them all the time, but I guess I got lazy."

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