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Inside Jokes Quotes 2005-06

"Number true ..."

"It'll be gooder ..."

"Number one's easy, right?"
"Yeah, once you get it."
~Jenni and Christine

"As long as you are interested in the study of heaven, you are studying astrophysics."
~Dr. Rassoul

::on the phone with Mom and Molly:: "So, what are you doing?"
"Uh ... telling Molly to go to sleep."
"No you're not!" ::click::
~Jenni, Mom, Molly

"Your stuffed animal doesn't move itself."
"It moves me."
~Dr. Rosiene and Eli

~Renaissance class

"It's not masochism, it's a skill."

"We're going to call it the Small Whimper from now on."
~Dr. Rosiene

"You're going to have a BS in physics so your BS meter should be pretty good."
~Dr. Lopez

"Would you like it if people called you Stiny?"
"Yeah! 'Stiny, get me a danish!' "
"But then people would always be telling you to get them a danish."
~Christine and Jenni

"When I took [the GRE], Modern Physics was Classical Physics."
~Dr. Lopez

"I'm the light between two darknesses ..."
~Christine, on Naty and Jenni

::very politely:: "Just a minute." ::covers phone:: "SHUT UP!"
~Christine, on phone with Amy

"I'm going to give birth to a danish ..."

"We'd be JellyGirls!"
"Guys, I think we should see other people."
"You can't handle the jelly commitment?"
"What if we got you blue?"
~Christine and Naty

"I have interesting verbs ... I like to make them up."
"Just verbs? 'Semestral ...' "
~Christine and Naty

"This book has suffered."

"It's often believed that the way we participate in society is by shopping ... I do my part."
~Dr. Rosiene

::class has been discussing what would happen if someone in an airplane drops an object, trying to hit Dr. Lopez, without keeping physics in mind::
"Is the person in motion?"
"Oh, he's in motion cause I'm going to kill him. First I'm going to flunk him for not taking into account the Coriolis force, then I'm going to kill him."
~Someone and Dr. Lopez

"It's kind of disturbing to think that these shows [from our childhood] have shaped our psyche forever."
"Actually, I kind of like it."
~Jenni and TJ

"Then there's the InvisaFaces that you just don't think about."

::Christine's phone goes off:: "An alarm ...? OH, it's Thursday."
"Oh, it's all clear now."
"You mean you don't have alarms to realize what day it is?"
~Christine and TJ

"I was told that there was going to be pudding involved."
~TJ, on studying

"You're upsetting Teen and her baby."
"Oops. Sorry Stiny II."
"Don't call the baby that ... it kicks me really hard when you do that."
~Naty, Jenni, Christine (Ferteena)

::during discussion about the probability of all the gas in a room suddenly being on one side and not evenly distributed:: "And so we're all sitting here, enjoying breathing ..."
~Dr. Dwyer

"HEY! I was voted 'most mannerly' in fourth grade!"

"It's a machine, it has the right to be helpful to everyone."
~Mike B (Christine's)

"You're so self-destructive."
~Christine to Naty

"Well, you don't go to the Suth!"
~Christine, on pronounciation of South vs. southern

"What are we thinking?"
"Nothing ..."
"There's just a bunch of quizzical looks being thrown across the room."
~Christine and Naty

"Three trolls with the courage of one!"

"You shouldn't study, it's a bad habit. Don't give in to peer pressure. If all your friends jumped off of a wall, would you jump off a wall?"
"If jumping off of a wall got me an A."
~Gerald and Christine

"It's so bright, it's invisible! My plan was perfect!"

"Good question. I don't know off the top of my hand ..."
~Dr. Dwyer

::on the department picnic:: "Who knows, maybe after I have a couple hot dogs I'll drop something about the quiz, you never know."
~Dr. Dwyer

"You know, thinking it's [the black hole] really clever, it creates this electron and positron thinking 'no one can see me do this ...' "
~Dr. Dwyer

"I got sunburned on my gums cause I never close my mouth."

"I'm thinking I might like to start a business."
"What would it be?"
"Torturing people."
~Mr. Sawyer and Bettina

"... I think I dreamt I was pregnant!"
~Christine, RANDOMLY

"Maybe they make fun of us already, but at least we teach Thermo."
~Dr. Dwyer

"Our conclusion ROCKS."
"Let's hear your geologic conclusion."
~Randy and Dr. Lopez

"Stop it, I'm still feeling the choke-tingles."

"I can't get jiggy with those."
~Tamara, on animals

"I worry about people who have a favorite integral book."
~Dr. Lopez

"My handwriting ... it's a different kind of variational principle."
~Dr. Lopez

"I love the smell of magnetosphere in the morning ... it smells like victory!"
~Dr. Lopez

::taking a picture:: "Are you gonna smile, or not?"
"I am smiling."
~Robert and Randy

"I was very surprised when I saw him [sitting in the front of my lecture], because I thought he was dead."
~Dr. Dwyer, on Van Allen

"I got too happy with the dots."
~Dr. Lopez

"Actually, the moment of inertia of an armadillo depends on the state of the armadillo."
~Dr. Lopez

::later:: "A zombie armadillo?"
~Dr. Lopez

"Okay, I'll just put it on that list of things to do: laundry, finish Thermo, have sex for the first time ..."
~Christine, Naty, Gladys

"In medieval times, a form of torture was sitting in this class!"
~Naty, on excessive questioning in Geophysics

"L is equal to the amount of gel in Andy's hair."
~Naty, on L being an incomprehensible concept according to Rachel and Andy

"Well, we could be studying for Geo, but we're in class. You know why? Because we're good students."
"And as a result we'll fail the Geo test."
~Jenni and Christine

"Yes, actually, that'd be an air conditioner. Your house is the refrigerator and the rest of the world is one big kitchen."
~Dr. Dwyer

"Hey you, ya wanna be my first?"
~Naty and Christine

"I was seriously tangled."

"So when they say 'diamonds are forever,' it isn't true?"
"Yes, you can say 'but the Gibbs free energy ...' "
~Alaina and Dr. Dwyer

"I mean, why are we doing this? Are we sick?"
~Dr. Rassoul, on solving physics problems

"Is it a cup-shaped plate?"
"Maybe someday they'll invent them."
"That would be nice ... that would be a bowl, wouldn't it?"
~Christine, Jenni, Naty, Christine

"Next time you drive, make sure you don't go 25,000 miles/hour, you will go into orbit."
~Dr. Rassoul

"You are marrying the micro-quantity energy with the macro-quantity T, and the master of ceremonies is this k."
~Dr. Rassoul

"What is the albedo of a black cat sitting in the dark on charcoal?"
~Dr. Rassoul

"He is a furious note taker."
~Christine, on Andy

"-GM/r ran away because it got irritated by Andy."
~Naty in Geophysics

::click:: "OHHHHHHHHHH!"

"So go back in there and unsave it!"
~Naty to me

"Soul for Dummies."

"GPS: God Positioning System"
~Dr. Rosiene

"It better be fun."
~Dr. Rosiene, on the afterlife

"You can think of this as a spiral of death."
~Dr. Lopez

"I was the warm-up act for Isaac Newton."
~Dr. Dwyer

"It's kind of like our secret code so no one else knows what we're talking about."
~Dr. Dwyer, on 1/kt=beta

::on break from doing homework::
"Is that gonna go on your paper?" ::pointing at Hot Topic webpage::
"Is that gonna go on your paper?" ::pointing to cup of tea::
~Naty and Tamara

"Jenni's our backup [for softball]?"
"It's either that or forfeit the game."
"Forfeit. Always forfeit!"
~Naty and Christine

"I think God serves Colombian food."

"It's almost like you're drinking what you're tasting."
"How often does that happen nowadays?"
~Jenni and Christine

"How could we achieve world unity?"
"Maybe if there were less of us."
~Antoine and Dr. Rosiene

"We'd have to discuss deep in depth."
~Dr. Rosiene

"If you die, you get 100% of the final. If you get two broken arms, that's an 83%."
~Dr. Lopez, on credit for the final due to absense via injury

"When we die, we ceast dying."
~Dr. Rosiene

"Something like that, only more horny."

"You could take down an Andy hoagie."
"As opposed to a Randall hero?"
~Randy and Dr. Olson, on cannibalism

"I had a gyro (it was pretty good) and a freaking three dollar brownie."
"Did it have meat in it?"
::stares:: "Yes. Chicken, I think. And some beef. Maybe a little kitten."
"I meant the brownie."
~Me and George

"You will add vectors until you die."
~Dr. Lopez

"Jefferson vs. Franklin ... sort of like Alien vs. Predator."
~Dr. Lopez

"Assuming that the axis of the field is aligned with the longitudinal axis of the squirrel, you'd fry the squirrel."
~Dr. Lopez

"Don't try to shave while looking in a magnetic mirror."
~Dr. Wood

"Coming up ... a new mathematical operator! ... You're all going, 'what's it going to be?! I can't drop now!' "
~Dr. Wood

"This is like one big clump of I-Don't-Know-What-He's-Talking-About."

"My black pen writes green, my green pen writes red, my red pen writes blue, and my blue pen writes black."
"... Why would they do that?"
~Jenni and Christine

"I'm not going to burn you in hell if you fail my quiz."
~Dr. Rassoul

"Isn't Venus the Biblical definition of Hell?"
~Dr. Rassoul

"[Is it] E=mc^3 because of inflation?"
~Dr. Rassoul

"We have to go to Mars ... we have to go to Heaven."
~Dr. Rassoul

"Are we in phase? Are we lazing?"
~Dr. Rassoul

"You know, even you'll be old enough to drink in Rome."
~Christine to Jenni

"You'd have a rabbit full of air. ::pause:: Which probably is not good."
~Dr. Dwyer

"You'd have to have a nuclear-powered magician to pull this off."
~Dr. Dwyer, on pulling a rabbit out of a hat

"You can take a mouse and go up to the top of the Empire State Building--you don't want to have anyone looking while you do this-- ..."
~Dr. Dwyer, on the need for stealth whilst throwing a mouse off a building

::someone in class is complaining about ... something::
"It's just life ... it'll be over ... at some point ..."
~Dr. Wood

"I'm going to try very hard not to overawe you with my brilliance."
~Father Dan in HCC class

"I've been laxing."
"..... Lax?"
~Christine and Tamara

"E&M: SoulEater."

::Dr. Dwyer has been explaining the different ways being struck by lightning can hurt you--current through your body, voltage burns on your skin, superheating the sweat on your feet to blow apart your shoes and toes, etc--and in conclusion ...::
"Course, it can also just simply kill you."
~Dr. Dwyer, on lightning

"What's the word for 'ale' in Elvish? Is there 'ale' in Elvish?"
"Let me check ... There is no 'ale.' "
"Mm, that sucks ... how bout 'Guinness'?"
~Heather and Jenni

"I typed into it, 'I lost my keys, where are my keys?' and it's like, 'Behind the fridge, idiot.' "
~Teen's Mike, on the power of Google

"You're mean!"
"I'm average."
~Christine and Mike

::before leaving the office:: "I have to give you a silence ..." ::silence:: "The classroom silence." ::leaves::
~Dr. Jin

"This is tensor kindergarten."
~Dr. Wood

"Maybe that's the shape [to successfully confine a plasma]! Instead of doughnut-shaped tokamaks, it's pickles!"
~Dr. Wood

"I'll have a sandwich, which is less potent."
~Christine, on lunch

"I didn't rememorize the data."

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