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Inside Joke Quotes 2006-07

"It's a comprehensive question ... over the entire course so far."
~Dr. Wood, on the first day of Astro

::after describing just how big the universe really is:: "But you're all still the center of your mommy and daddy's universe!"
~Dr. Wood

"It's not quite a heavy metal concert."
~Dr. Wood

"Oh Boy, Another Failing Grade, Kill Matt."
~Dr. Wood, on star classifcation (OBAFGKM)

"There's a lot of them [white dwarfs], just like there's a lot of dead people."
~Dr. Wood

"I didn't make it up ... it's not my fault!"
~Dr. Wood, on opacity

"Why can't I be normal?"
"Because you're brain damaged."
~Rachel and Dr. Wood, on how Rachel's left handed

"Kinda [morbid], but it pays really well."
~Dr. Wood, on the Department of Defense blowing up stuff and opacity

"You can look forward to that question later."
"You mean on a test?"
"Whoa, you're quick."
~Dr. Wood and Rachel

"You just got pwn'd."
"Cause he's one of the leets. Omg."
~Ian (to Brad), Dr. Wood

"What can you tell me about the Canadian geese migration?"
~Dr. Wood to Rachel, who honks when she blows her nose

"Unfortunately, your super power is blowing your nose at ear-shattering levels."
~Dr. Wood, on how Rachel might not be brain damaged but have super powers instead

::dryly:: "Marriage is all bliss."
~Dr. Wood

"And what does the star want? It wants to get the flux out of here."
~Dr. Wood

"We've all boiled a pot of water, and being nerds ... we've probably watched it."
~Dr. Wood

"Your computer finally says, 'okay! Close enough for rock 'n' roll.' "
~Dr. Wood

"Even though every line is drenched in your blood and sweat, dense clouds of notation will send your audience to sleep."
~Dr. Rassoul

"... and I hope you all are as curious as my cat and have lots of questions for me."
~TJ, concluding his research presentation

"Why are guys so hard?"

"Most Optics books are expensive, simply because they are thick."
~Dr. Zhang

::class is discussing crystals::
"I don't know what gypsum is."
"It's like a rock."
~Dr. Zhang and Jessica

"You eat left-handed sugar and you feel happy."
~Dr. Zhang

"Do you want to make your turkey more tasty or not?"
~Dr. Zhang, on if the HW should be due before or after Thanksgiving

"[Interference] is not on TV. Well, it is, but it's a different concept--baseball interference."
~Dr. Zhang

"They sell extra strength Midol now--I'm psyched."

"How's school going little one?"
"People make out in the hallways."
::nod nod::
~Jenni and Molly

"Our anniversary's today."
"... Yours and mine?"
~Jenni and Heather

::If the mass of the Earth equaled the mass of the Sun, they would rotate about a center of mass between them. Old-timey scientists observing this ...:: "They probably will reach the conclusion that God is there."
~Dr. Zhang

"Is this somebody's law, Kepler's law? ... well, if not then it's my law."
~Dr. Zhang, on planes

"I need to go to the office, pick up my paycheck, and fax something. Don't let me forget. Or fall off a cliff."

"They've [the French] fallen in love with McDonalds and KFC, and now we have people waddling around Paris--and this is progress."
~Dr. Rosiene, on the global world becoming the same

"How did Jesus do it without Powerpoint?"

"He's our solar system bouncer."
~Christine, on Jupiter

"I just dislike Jerome."
"What?! How do you like dis rome?!"
~Jenni and John

"My new graduate research topic for my Ph.D. Thesis:

How is the motivation of students correlated with substorms? If there is no substorm activity are the students motivation levels at their lowest? If a substorm is triggered, do motivation and progress patterns spike? Are the latitudinal locations of the students affected at all by this?

Funding will be provided by Christine Gabrielse"

"Am I claiming the Wizard of Oz is good Catholic mythology?"
~Dr. Rosiene

"Obviously he [guy in Asimov's story Robbie] has not seen the Matrix ... he doesn't understand what these freaking things are trying to do!"
~Dr. Rosiene

"What a great day, I love me."
~Dr. Rosiene

" 'Game over' is not as pleasant."
~Dr. Rosiene, on laser surgeons playing video games

"A lady ascended from the sky ..."
~Heather's story

"You had a cat? Aren't you allergic to cats?"
"Nooo ... you are."
"Ohhh, yeah."
~Mom and Dad

"Don't get you candy on Valentine's Day?"
"Yeah, it confuses me! I don't know I'm supposed to eat it or split it with him or split it with somebody else, so, yeah, it makes me confused, so don't get me candy on Valentine's Day or I'll break up with you."
~Jenni and Heather

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