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Inside Joke Quotes 2007-08

"But if you're deaf you get a seeing eye puppy!"
"Yeah, but a seeing eye dog isn't going to help you read a book or turn on the light or cross the street!"
" could read books in Braille! Or...or listen to audio tapes! Besides! I mean REALLY! You get a feraking SEEING EYE PUPPY! I want Cocoa to by *MY* seeing eye puppy."
"Oh, yeah! Like I really trust my life to Cocoa! First time the black dogs come along you can kiss yourself good bye!"
~Molly and Dad

( Panda )
( Less Panda? )
( More Panda than EVAR! )
~Me, Heather, Molly

"I pay Molly every day by not killing her."
"I pay Molly every day in chocolate chip cookies therefore I WIN."
~Me and Heather

::watching a commercial:: "Oh my gosh, that burger is huge!"
TV: "Don't bother me. I'm eating."
"Yeah, you're going to be eating for like two hours."

"I'm a scary scaly girl."

"I'm going to eat my underwear commando."
~Jay (he meant ice cream)

"I'm not really vain. It's a defense mechanism."

"It's coming from its inner testines."
~Molly, on that crazy cow

"I came out as a flaming J!"
~Jay, on Myers-Briggs

"So it can flow right up to downtown Io."

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