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Movie Quotes

"I smell DOG!"
~Wolf, The Tenth Kingdom

"For the last time, it was not a kiss!"
~Pacha, Emperor's New Groove

"Don't tell me. We're about to go over a huge waterfall."
"Sharp rocks at the bottom?"
"Most likely."
"Bring it on."
~Pacha & Kuzgo, Emperor's New Groove

"... back when there were no three-horn, no long neck, even no sharp tooth, there were the flyers."
"See, now, that's not possible. Those have legs, so anything with legs would be there before anything with wings."
"You're questioning the scientific theory of a baby Pteranodon?"
~Pterie, Land Before Time [insert number here], Jenni, Dad

"Katrina, we have to do something about this fine kettle of fish!"
~Thelma, Legend of Sleepy Hollow

"We [learned men] could never believe in all that ghost rubbish."
~"Ghost" to Icabod Crane

"The moral of the story is be bad at music and you'll get good record deals."
~Jenni on the pointless German movie

"So what about the chaffeur guy? He just sits in the dark ... ALL ALONE!"
~Jenni, same movie

"Why are we watching a movie about a little tiny devil?"
"I don't know ..."
~Daphne and Jenni

"I keep expecting one of those cars to drive by and she'll be gone."
~Jenni to Daphne, on the crazy devil movie

"Great place for a mouth."
~Daphne, on devil

"If I had a billion dollars-"
"They'd raise my taxes."
~Guy and Crow, MST3K: Eegah

"Get off my plane!"
~Harrison Ford, Air Force One

"Hey, he's gonna shoot you!"
"Ah, no he's not--Oh sh--"
~Oil Driller and AJ, Armageddon

"They just popped outta the snow ... like daisies!"
~Mushu, Mulan

"My hair! They shot my hair!"
~Princess Vespa, Spaceballs

"You can't surpress 65 million years of gut instinct. The T-Rex doesn't want to be fed, it wants to hunt."
~Alan Grant, Jurassic Park

"Are you saying I'm stupid?"
"YES! Ahahahahaha!"
"This is the fifthteenth take, I can not work like this ... I will be in my trailer."
~Hopper and Atta, A Bug's Life

"Tommy! If you do that again, I will resequence your DNA, so help me! Now march!"
~Teacher, The Time Machine

"Nothing can change the future!"
"You're wrong. I will change it."
~The Time Machine

"NBC: Pride of a troll! Used to be a peacock but we ate it."
~Actress who plays Blabberwort, Tenth Kingdom

"Oh my God ... I'm going to die of long hair!"
~Virginia, Tenth Kingdom

"Keep walking, but you won't knock down our wall. Keep walking, but it isn't going to fall! It's plain to see your brains are very small to think walking will be knocking down our wall."
~Two pea dudes, Veggie Tales

"Do you have a gun? ... Oh. Well, thank you for not waving it around. Or vomiting, for that matter. Tell me, where would I find a grocery store? Or a standing Holiday Inn ..."
~Adam, Blast from the Past

"With a meat order that size, you can get it delivered to your home."
"Really? That's great! Except it just occured to me that ... I don't know where home is ... I'm lost!!! Do you know where I live?"
"Would you please excuse me?"
~Adam, meat clerk, Blast from the Past

"Heeeey ... you're German! Wow, I'm German! We're ALL German! And that means ... we can't attack Germany! Cause, like, what about all my friends? And what about MEEE?!"
~Hitler, Springtime for Hitler, the Producers

"You leaf-loving, bush-burping, stem-smelling, garden-gulping, plant-popping, tree-tasting, dirt-devouring BEAST! You've got to have eggs thrice a day at least!"
~Ozzy to Strut, Land Before Time Two

"Why can't everything be as simple as snow."
~Winterland King, The Polar Bear King

"God creates dinosaurs, God destroys dinosaurs, God creates man, man destroys God, man creates dinosaurs."
"Dinosaurs eat man ... woman inherits the Earth."
~Malcolm and Ellie, Jurassic Park

"You mean this is a-"
"And he's a-"
"Oh yeah."
~Buzz Lightyear and Buzz Lightyear

"Go, web! Shazzam! Hocus pocus! Fly, web!"
"Ya know, somehow I don't think it's very effective to talk to your wrist."
~Peter Parker and Taylor

"She makes me feel like a poet."
"Well, you may feel like a poet, but you sound like an idiot."
~William and Roland, A Knight's Tale
Thanks, David!

"You think that was easy?"

"Riff raff, street rat, I don't buy that, if only they'd look closer, would they see a poor boy, no siree, they'd find out there's so much more to meeeee."

Ah, Salaam and good evening to you worthy friend. Please, please, come closer--Too close, a little too close--There. Welcome to Agrabah. City of mystery, of enchantment, and the finest merchandise this side of the river Jordan, on sale today, come on down! Heh, heh. Look at this! Yes! Heh heh. Combination hookah and coffee maker--also makes Julienne fries. Will not break, will not--it broke. Ooohhh! Look at this! I have never seen one of these intact before. This is the famous Dead Sea Tupperware. Listen. ::pbt:: Ah, still good. Wait, don't go! I can see that you're only interested in the exceptionally rare. I think then, you would be most rewarded to consider ... this. Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance. Like so many things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts. This is no ordinary lamp! It once changed the course of a young man's life. A young man who, like this lamp, was more than what he seemed. A diamond in the rough. Perhaps you would like to hear the tale? It begins on a dark night, where a dark man waits, with a dark purpose ..."
~Aladdin (Sarah's version)

"It's so stimulating being your hat!"
~Thing in Labyrinth

"He has thick brown hair. ALL OVER HIS BODY."
~Brother of Bear

"Flying over trout?"
~Crow, MST3K: Pod People

"Ya know what I don't like? GETTING KICKED IN THE FACE!!!"
~Doppler, Clockstoppers

"His destructive programming is beginning to take effect; he will now be irresistably drawn to large cities, where he will back up sewers, reverse street signs, adn steal everybody's left shoe."
~From the movie, Lilo and Stitch

~Elijah Wood, Deep Impact

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