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REU 2004 Quotes

"So just eat that place!"
~Jenni to TJ on camels

"I was saying that there was a pink trash can that said, She Can!"

"At least it's not my underwear."

"It's Georgia in May and we're dying of frostbite!"

"Think about it, don't do it."
~Dr. Wood

"Ya know, Stephanie, if we're twins, you're definitely the evil twin."
~Karen, RANDOMLY at work

"Have you tried dressing horrible? Like, worse than you already do?"
~Karen, giving advice to Kyle on girls

"Step, you're going to hell."


"Can I lead with something that has claws?"
~Karen, playing Rook

"I love computers."
"If I start seeing lip marks on the computer, you're out of here."
~Kyle and Dr. Oswalt

"The odds are good but the goods are odd."

"You need some drugs."
~Karen to Jenni

"This white out smells good."
"When I said drugs ... I didn't mean white out!"
~Jenni and Karen

"The last brownie I had here didn't have nuts."
"So it was a female brownie?"
~Jenni and Step

"If we're twins, is Merissa our mom?"
~Karen to Step, once again RANDOMLY

"Yeah, then we'd probably have to lock you outside the building with your clothes off."
~Karen to Kyle, during Hangman

"Nothing. I'm talking to myself cause I'm bitter."
~Jenni and Karen

"Um ... either you suck or that's bad."
~Karen to Jenni

"Do you know any slow or Stephanie people?"

"I'm a doctor, I'm supposed to have illegible handwriting."
~Dr. Oswalt

"It's not a freak file."

"Contrary to popular belief, I don't think cupcakes are loaded with a bunch of vitamin C."

"You can't fall off the floor."

"You should call Marley and see if he'll help you."
"Marley lives in England ... But wouldn't that be turning to the Dark Side?"
"What, England?"
~Dr. Wood and Dave

"Alright!!! You two in the corner! There's too much fooling around for this off-- ... oh wait, nevermind, it's not."
~Step to Karen and Jenni

"I feel if you cannot put your underwear in the microwave ... you've got a problem."

"Are you an Excel man?"
~Karen to Chris

"You're going home? Like, home home?"
"Yeah, for like, Father's Day Father's Day?"
~Karen and Chris

"You're so dumb! It's a person! ... No wait, it's an antenna."
~George to Jenni

"I got mugged today ... I saw a funny looking cloud ... I'm gonna kill it."

"My leg just happens to be where his hand wants to be."
~Step, on Chris

"Do you know any slow or Karen people?"

"Karen? I'm sorry you're a dirty whore."

"I don't want to be known as the guy who got kissed by more guys than you."
~Chris to Jenni

"Once you've had Spillow, you never go back."

"Because I'm a Mexican, and you're a Mexican't."
~Karen to Jenni

"They're Jes-its."
~Chris, on the body of Christ

"Now I'm just going to use him as a dartboard."
~Karen, on Maher

"Kyle ... find a lamp, or a more suitable outlet."
"You're just jealous because he wasn't humping your chair."
~Karen and Step

"At least I'm not the devil."

"Jenni, you shouldn't have pissed off the post office."

"Are you going to go postal?"
~Karen to Jenni

Movie: Just South of Whoredom
Song: Let's Drink 'Til Christmas
T-shirt: B-4 U Touch Me, Which Body Part Do You Not Want?
T-shirt: You Can Call Me Honey, But I'll Kick You In The Nuts

"Iloveyou, Iloveyou, Iloveyou!"
~Puppet Show, Karen

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