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Summer 2006 Quotes

"I wonder if that island has a Starbucks?"
"Yeah, third tree on the right."
~Naty and Jenni

"He was a family man, and a lover of railroads."
~John, on Czar Nicholas II

"I have to remember, the sponge is wet."

"I can't believe the color printer is down."
"Yeah, it's really stressing me out."
"I know, it's ridiculous."
::laughs:: "That's like the biggest event of our day!"
~Gab, Jenni, Gab, Naty (666)

"It's just that Mars is kind of like Iraq, Wall Street, same-sex marriage, and immigrants."

"Pretend to be natural."
~Rohit, taking a picture of me

"So, are you hungover?"
"No, I’m just tired."
"Tired of drinking?"
~Jenni, Mike Bird, Rohit

"Mom's eating, but not the rest of us."
"What?! But isn't she the one who's always like, 'wait until everyone gets home to eat so we can all have dinner as a family' ?"
"I think she's given that up for Lent."
~Dad and me

"You're so middle school."
~Heather to me

"Hey, I know how to ride a bike!"
"Oh yeah, Miss Crash-into-the-tree over here."
~Mom and Dad

"If there hadn't been the thrill of instant death how much fun would it be?"

"Jenni, you're going to be one of those ladies who only has cats."

"The problem that all of you have is ..."
"We're women."
~Dad and Mom

"Sensor trigative."

"It's a f***ing moose!"
~Ami, on animal crackers

"I was like ten when I forked him."

"I think it's a monkey."
~Ami, very randomly, on an animal cracker

"Rohit, what is this? What bit me?"
~Mike and Rohit

"Look! I will be coordinated when I'm good and ready."

"Sarcastic? Me?"

"I broke it."
"You mean you killed it broke it?"
"Well, let's look. ... Wow. I'm going to have to order a new one now. How did you do that?"
"I tried to staple something. I thought it would work."
And then she took it out of the room in two pieces.
~John and Jennifer, after John broke the stapler IN HALF

"It's not a risk, it's a knife."

"The post office is not Hitler, sweetie."
~Hez to me

"We're like a team. You're the brains and I'm the piece of ass."
~Hez to me

"My gullet demands attention!"

"I can take her spot and do it with less hair."
~John, on Turner

"He was NOT looking at my badge!"
~Naty, on the security guy

"Can you please move your ugly, it's killing me."

"Is Shakespeare caressing your heart today?"
~John to Tamara

"She says, 'he was kinda off the wall if you know what I mean.' ... I don't know what she means."

"I wanna tutor people for furniture!"

"I was like, 'why does my head have a shadow?' and I realized, it's another person."
~Tamara (on quote napkin)

"They said they did [finish the Big Dig]."
"If by 'did' you mean 'partially flooded.' "
~Kate and John

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