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Simming Quotes

R: You wanna see one of- ::pause:: -my Commandments, Ax? Here it is: Thou shall kill those who piss me off!
-Rachel to Ax
-Written by Jenni

Q: Ax ... what are you trying to say? ::confused::
A: I love you, okay? I love you.
-Quan and Ax
-Written by Jenni and Ali

R: Who’s proving they’re their own sex now?!
-Rachel to Ax
-Written by Ali

Evil Yeerk: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!!!!!!!!
-Evil Yeerk
-First Evil Laugh in the Simming, ever
-Written by Ali

A: I don’t need to sleep ... or eat ... or exercise ... or think ...
-Written by Ali

C: ::Glances at Jake and Ax:: We need to make sure there is no Yeerk in your head, we don’t need another Andalite Controller on our hands.
-First words written by Emily, ever
-Written by Emily

OOCEm: ((Ali, Ax left already, so why are you slapping his a**? I don’t think teachers should do that. Abuse! Anyway ...))
OOCAl: ((He was there and Andalites are different. Anyway Jenni ... you start))
OOCEm: ((You are in denial, Ali. Go ahead Jenni.))
OOCJe: ((Um ... um ... um ... ::looks back and forth between them:: Uh, uh,))
-Emily, Ali, and Jenni

R: ::Rachel trips!::
-First written by Jenni
-Written by everyone else afterwards.

A: Hey, I’m back magically! I was supposed to be gone for that part, but ya know ... Are you all right Rachel?
-Written by Emily

A: ::actually he was there and was on drugs ... inhalants::
-Written by Ali

T: Woah, wait, if Ax never left then ... where was I?
M: You must of saw a good rat, Tobias.
T: Hey, I don’t eat rats.
M: Rats, mice, shrews. What’s the difference?
T: They all taste different.
-Tobias and Marco
-Written by Emily and Ali

J: Oh my God, I think Rachel fell!! ::he says surprised::
-First words written by Nicole
-Written by Nicole

OOCEm: ((Oh no, Nicole is making Jake stupid ...))

C: Jake, are you guys okay down there?
J: Yes my honey, sweetie, lamby chops.
C: Right back at you sweetie pooh.
OOCNi: ((This is so unrealistic.))
OOCAl: ((Yeah, I know. They should be married.))
-Cassie, Jake, Nicole, and Ali
-Written by Nicole and Ali

R: Okay, love birds, or, uh, bird and tiger, let’s just finish this mission, then you two can get a room.
M: And then Rachel, we’ll get a room and it’ll be just you and me.
T: Hey!
A: What’s the matter, Tobias? Does the truth hurt?
T: Hey, you’re supposed to be on my side!
R: All right, everyone shut up!
M: Oh, look who’s talking, Mr. Lover.
A: Come down and say that to my face, Dr. Jeckle.
-Rachel, Marco, Tobias and Ax
-Written by Nicole, Ali, and Emily

Evil Yeerk: ::the insanely stupid Yeerk at this point leaves Quan, and is stepped on by Jake, who is the only other person not a bird::
J: Oops.
-Yeerk and Jake
-Written by Emily

M: Ya know, it usually isn’t this easy to kill Yeerks, I expect Hork-Bajir to come storming out of the forest any time. ::7 Hork-Bajir come storming out of the forest::
-Written by Emily and Jenni

M: Don’t these Hork-Bajir have any lives? Does their whole world revolve around killing us? I mean, these things need to get a hobby.
R: They have one, trying to kill us.
-Marco and Rachel
-Written by Nicole

M: Jake, you have got to start telling me about these midnight rendezvous in advance. I like to be able to at least style my hair before I go out.
R: You mean your hair is supposed to look that way?
M: Yep.
R: Marco, you are going to a beauty salon. Definitely.
M: Sorry darlin’, I know now much you need a makeover but my salonist schedule is full.
-Marco and Rachel
-Written by Nicole, Emily, and Ali

M: Hello, you’re arguing about death when I’m having a bad hair day, how rude is that?
R: Marco, you’re always having a bad hair day. We’ve covered that already. Now shut up.
-Marco and Rachel
-Written by Nicole and Emily

Q: ::stops crying::
A: ::sarcastically to self:: Well, at least she stopped crying.
T: I heard that. Sure caring, aren’t you?
A: ::privately to Tobias:: Shut up. ::walks off to be alone.::
T: ::privately to self:: Touchy.
R: Tobias, have you seen Ax?
T: I think, I think, he left.
M: You think? You mean you don’t know?
T: I’m pretty sure he’s not here anymore ...
-Quan, Ax, Tobias, Rachel, and Marco
-Written by Jenni, Ali, Nicole, and Emily

A: ::turns around and runs as fast as he can to the others, so fast he can’t stop.:: ::plows into Quan::
Q: Ax! ::sounds surprised::
A: ::still skidding falls and missed Rachel w/ his tail::
R: ::trips over Quan’s leg::
M: ::falls over Rachel and lands on Cassie pulling her down::
-Ax, Quan, Rachel, and Marco
-First group trip ever
-Written by Ali, Jenni, and Nicole

R: Gee, Marco, that close up of your pores just ruined any romantic disillusions I had about you.
T: Why did you have any romantic disillusions about Marco in the first place?
-Rachel and Tobias
-Written by Nicole and Emily

M: So, what’s for lunch?
A: Yes, what is for lunch? ::asked eagerly:: Maybe some more of that sweet brown stuff you call chocolate.
OOCJe: ((It’s lunchtime already?))
J: Um . . . I think we should be a little concerned for Quan right now.
OOCJe: ((Thank you, Jake!))
OOCEm: ((You’re welcome, people talking about chocolate while Quan’s hurt, some people . . .))
-Marco, Ax, Jake, Jenni, and Emily
-Written by Nicole, Jenni, and Emily

M: I think I want Tacos.
R: We always have Tacos! I want chicken.
T: Hey!
R: No offense.
-Marco, Rachel, and Tobias
-Written by Nicole

M: How about a compromise. Let’s go to Chow Meins Chinese.
R: Great idea. They have chicken fried rice, right?
C: Now that you mention it, I’ve been craving eggrolls.
T: Suddenly I have the terrible craving for eel meat. Do they sell that there?
J: ::sighs:: If you’re all good and help Quan, I’ll treat.
M: Can we eat before we help Quan?
J: No.
-Marco, Rachel, Cassie, Tobias, and Jake
-Written by Nicole and Jenni

Q: ::screams in pain before she passes out::
M: . . . So, can we eat now? ::he asks hopefully::
-Quan and Marco
-Written by Jenni and Nicole

A: Then it is unanimous.
R: Except for Marco, who never says yes anyway.
M: Hey!
-Ax, Rachel, and Marco
-Written by Emily and Ali

M: You’ve got to be kidding! Sneak into the Yeerk pool, steal a ship without being caught, flying, it, then finding a piece of medical machinery which you don’t know if it even exists? This is what you want to do?
C,J,R: Yep.
M: Then I’m coming with. Somebody has to keep a little sanity in this group.
-Marco, Cassie, Jake, and Rachel
-Written by Jenni and Emily

C: Soup? Soup?! Can she digest that?
-Cassie to Tobias
-Written by Jenni

Q: ::panics suddenly:: I can’t feel my tail!!!
A: ::takes Quan’s hand.:: Hush, Quantana, you’re just ... paralyzed. You’ll be fine.
Q: ::shrieking:: Just paralyzed? JUST paralyzed?!!
M: Is she just gonna keep repeating herself or can we get going? Chow Meins closes at 5:00 and it’s 3:00 already!
A: ::trying not to get angry:: Quantana, you’re fine. Do Not Panic.
J: Everybody just calm down and try to think rationally.
M: When are we going to eat?
T: ::morphs to human and beats Marco up, nobody seems to care.::
-Quan, Ax, Marco, Jake, and Tobias
-Written by Jenni, Ali, Nicole, and Emily

M: Hey, I found a Snickers bar in my pocket. ::he unwraps it and starts chewing loudly, then notices everyone is looking at him:: What?
-Written by Nicole

M: Oh goodie! ::reaches into pocket and pulls out a candy bar:: Hey! Look! Raisinettes! I wonder how old they are? I’m starving!
T: Marco, how deep are those pockets? And what else are you hiding in there?
R: We don’t want to know.
-Marco, Tobias, and Rachel
-Written by Ali, Emily, and Jenni

J: How long should this take?
Q: Approximately 1.1 weeks.
A: ::punches the button for Z-space::
OOCJe: ((Exactly 2.6 days later ...))
J: Wait, did you say a week?! ::Jake is JUST realizing this ...::
All: ::everyone stares at Quan and Ax blankly, as if just now realizing this.::
J: What are we going to do floating around in space for a week?
OOCEm: ((Good question, Jake. Hey, what exactly are they going to do?))
OOCJe: ((How about we forget that part since it’s been TWO AND A HALF DAYS!!!))
-Jake, Quan, Ax, Jenni, All, and Emily
-Written by Jenni and Emily

R: We can’t just morph and demorph on the homeworld repeatedly. Too obvious.
M: So, you’re saying we go in human?
R: Yes.
M: Of course you do.
J: I think Rachel has a point. The Andalites are probably used to strange aliens anyway, right?
M: Yeah, being weird aliens themselves.
-Rachel, Marco, and Jake
-Written by Jenni and Emily

C: All right, one problem solved.
M: Well not really.
J: ::sighs:: What now, Marco?
M: We still haven’t decided whether or not to go in morph.
All: ::everyone thinks for a minute and then realizes that this was a point of the argument.::
-Cassie, Marco, Jake, and All
-Written by Emily

Q: ::still stuck in the past conversation:: You mean I’m going to be his wife? ::Everyone pauses::
J: You mean ... you two ... ::trails off::
-Quan and Jake
-Written by Jenni and Ali

M: ::to Quan:: So. When’s the wedding?
-Marco to Quan
-Writen by Ali

J: ::apologetically:: Sorry, Quan. We didn’t know. I thought it was, like, a cousin or somethin’. Sorry.
Q: Figures he wouldn’t tell you. Princess Cassie, I believe I am not going to speak to him.
M: Do you want a divorce? ::everyone glares at Marco:: What? What’d I say?
-Jake, Quan, and Marco
-Written by Ali, Jenni, and Nicole

A: Hey, I’m back magically, again! Now, all we’re missing is-
R: ::Rachel trips::
A: That.
M: I’m hungry again.
R: ::tries to get up but falls back down.::
C: Rachel, are you okay?
M: Does anybody have some chips?
J: This is no time to be thinking about food.
R: ::falls, hits her head, and is knocked unconscious::
M: How about some tortillas?
J: Where’s Rachel?
-Ax, Rachel, Marco, Cassie, and Jake
-Written by Jenni and Nicole

Q: They are intelligent, you arrogant fool! Just look at them!
An: ::he looks::
M: Yum yum eat‘um up!
-Quan, Andalite, and Marco
-Written by Jenni

OOCJe: ((This is so unrealistic.))
OOCJe: ((I know. They should be married.))
OOCJe: ((If you’re not careful, you’re going to begin talking to yourself.))
OOCJe: ((Oh, golly, you’re right!))
OOCAl: ((Um ... right ... you are talking to yourself.))
OOCJe: ((::together:: No, we’re not!))

A: < I've always loved your smile. >
Q: < I've always loved you. >
-Ax and Quan

R: ::eyeing table:: "Did you guys have a lot of corn lying around or something?"

M: "The point is you can see my nipples through this shirt."

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