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The Saga of Jedi Bob

Chapter 1

Kathryn Burns and Molly Wells are seated at a table in the library discussing the progression of events in Kathryn's new story: Q2K.

Molly: Look Kathryn, I know you like the mushy romance but this . . . this is too much.

Kathryn: No, it's not and you know it. Look, accept that I'm gonna write romance. Good Grief Molly!!!

Molly: And you know what?

Kathryn: What, Molly?

Molly: The ironic thing is you never liked Obi-Wan like your character does.

Kathryn: That's correct, and your point would be . . .

Molly: Well, first it's Mulder, Mulder, Mulder . . .

Kathryn: Stop it right there. The readers don't wanna hear it!

Molly: Ooooohhhh, sorry readers. I'll shut up now.

There is a sudden round of applause from a member of the audience whom Molly glares at menaceingly.

Kathryn: C'mon Molly, I gotta read you the next part so I can post it on my webpage ( ).

Molly: Warning!!! Warning!!! Danger Will Robinson, shameless plug ahead, errr, behind.

(Now it is Kathryn's turn to glare as the two begin work again). Little do they know that outside the library, evil forces are conspiring to stop them.

The as of yet unknown, but will be discovered in the next scene Evil Voice 1:

"We must not allow them to finish the story, at least for the light side. We must turn them."

Evil Underling # 1: Yes, Master

Evil Underling # 2: You are correct Master.

Evil Underling # 3: I agree Master.

Evil Underling # 4:

Evil Voice 1: (interrupts) How many 'yes' men do you authors think I need?

Anyway the soon to be know evil voice 1 and his underlings enter the library and surround Kathryn and Molly who don't notice cuz they're so deeply engrossed in the story. Evil Voice 1 approaches them and grabs Q2K.

Kathryn: Hey who are you and what are you doing?

Molly: Give us back the story!!!

Evil Voice 1: In your world, I am called Y2K. I cannot allow you to gain anything from a play off my name and well, anything good. You will give in and stop your writing.

Kathryn: No, I'll never give in. I am a writer, like the others before me. Anyway, your attempt to conquer the world and stop me on January 1, 2000 failed so, why should I believe you'd succeed now?

Y2K: So be it, writer. If you will not turn, then perhaps your friend will.

Molly: Uh, no, no thanks, no way, not interested. Look we'll leave, just give us the paper back.

Y2K: Underlings, seize them!

With some cool Karate chops and action moves Kathryn and Molly knock down the underlings but Y2K pulls out a ray gun and stuns them.